❄Merry Christmas!❄

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Orihime woke ulquiorra up and said "Merry Christmas!!". Ulquiorra and rose were awake, rose got up from bed and said "merry christmas mom and dad" with a smile on her face. Ulquiorra looked at both of them confused and said "what's christmas?". Orihime forgot that ulquiorra is still learning and she told him everything about Christmas, ulquiorra nodded and said "I understand onna".
-------------Time Skips----------
Orihime and rose set up a Christmas party ulquiorra was wearing a red and green sweater and orihime and rose wore the same shirt that was red with white stripes that said "Merry Christmas". Soon everyone from hueco mundo wearing christmas clothing which they stole from the world of the living. Everyone was having a great time giving and receiving gifts, ulquiorra was having a great time to with orihime and rose. Soon the party was over, everyone said bye and headed to their rooms. Orihime and ulquiorra and rose helped to clean up the mess, when they were done they went back to their room. Rose jumped on her bed and said "that was an amazing party, I hope we can do it again". Orihime smiled and said "yeah, we will do it again as a family" with a big smile on her face. Ulquiorra looked at orihime and said "onna I got a present for you" orihime smiled in joy and said "tell me please ulqui-kun" ulquiorra said 'close your eyes" orihime closed her eyes and ulquiorra put a heart necklace with a four in the middle and on the sides it said "I will always love you,my love". Orihime opened her eye and looked at the necklace in awe she smiled and said "ulqui-kun it's so beautiful I love it, and I also got you a present, close your eyes". Ulquiorra closed his eyes and orihime put on a green necklace with a heart and a flower like her hairpins in the middle that said "you are mine and I am yours my love". Ulquiorra opened his eyes and he looked at the necklace he smiled and hugged orihime saying "I love it onna thank you". Rose got a necklace that has a four and a flower in the middle from orihime and ulquiorra that said "are beautiful daughter, we are glad that you are with us and we love you very much". Rose smiled and went to bed saying "I love you mom and dad, merry christmas" in her sleep. Orihime giggled and said it back to her, ulquiorra and orihime kissed each other on the lips and layed down in their beds, they both said "merry christmas and I love you". Ulquiorra hugged orihime and went to sleep, orihime snuggled him and went to sleep to.

Yeeee merry christmas! I hoped you enjoy, I love you all thank you for reading and merry christmas bye! ヽ(゚∀゚)

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