Orihime and Ulquiorra part 16

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Ulquiorra woke up and he smiled a bit and he woke Orihime up. Ulquiorra said "good morning." Orihime said "good morning dear." Ulquiorra said "I be right back you need your breakfast and hunter food." Orihime said "okay ulquiorra-kun." Ulquiorra kissed orihime lips and he left to go into the kitchen. Ulquiorra was done making their breakfast and hunter he walked back to her room. Ulquiorra gave orihime her breakfast and hunter her food. Orihime was eating she was sharing her food with ulquiorra. Ulquiorra said "woman do you wanna help me get my stuff from my room?" Orihime said "yes." Ulquiorra grabbed her tray and put it in the kitchen. Orihime told hunter to "stay and play around." Orihime was in the hallway by her door and she saw ulquiorra coming she said "hi ulquiorra-kun." Ulquiorra nodded he said "follow me." Orihime said "yay okay." Ulquiorra was walking to his room orihime followed behind him. Ulquiorra stopped and opened his door it was dark in there. Ulquiorra walked in and orihime flipped the switch up and walked in she was blushing a little. Ulquiorra grabbed some of his stuff and he carried it back to orihime room. Orihime carried some of his stuff and walked back to her room. A couples minutes later the room was empty. Ulquiorra walked back to his room and he closed the door he thinks in his head "I will miss this room." Ulquiorra walked back to orihime room and hunter came and ran to ulquiorra jumping. Ulquiorra was petting her orihime was unpacking his stuff from the box. Ulquiorra and Orihime were putting the stuff away but he left the bed there. When Ulquiorra and Orihime was done he sit on the bed and said "woman thank you for helping me." Orihime said " your welcome ulquiorra-kun." Ulquiorra gave orihime a kiss and said "I love you."  Orihime kissed ulquiorra back and said "I love you too." Orihime said "ulquiorra soon do you wanna have kids?" Ulquiorra was shocked a little but he said "yes maybe if you want kids." Orihime was happy. It was lunch time so ulquiorra went into the kitchen and he made orihime lunch he walked back to her room and gave orihime her lunch. Ulquiorra was happy that he has a wife, hunter the dog and soon getting his own kids.

I really hope you love it sorry I made it short but the next one will be longer oh and the next chapter is that Ulquiorra and Orihime discuss having a kid bye.

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