Happy Birthday Ulquiorra!

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It's ulquiorra birthday yay!!!

Orihime looked at the calendar and saw that it is Dec 1st, ulquiorra birthday she smiled and went to wake ulquiorra up. When ulquiorra woke up he said "onna keep it quiet, what do you want?" Orihime smiled and said "ulqui-kun it's your birthday today!". Ulquiorra looked at orihime confused and said "birthday??" Orihime nodded and hugged him, ulquiorra was confused and said "why are you happy? It's just a birthday, but what is a birthday?" Orihime giggled and told him what birthdays are about, ulquiorra nodded and smiled a little. Orihime told rose to set up a party and took ulquiorra to the world of the living, ulquiorra didn't want to go but orihime begged him and so he did. Orihime took him to lunch then went for ice cream, while at hueco mundo rose told everyone that it was ulquiorra birthday and they started to put decorations and setting stuff up. There was a sign that said "Happy Birthday Ulquiorra" nel and rose made his cake and put it on the table and there were presents under the table. Orihime and ulquiorra went for dinner and after that they went back to hueco mundo, ulquiorra looked around and said "it's so quiet, I wonder where's everyone else at" orihime smiled and walked ulquiorra to the party room. Ulquiorra looked at orihime and said "why are we going to the party room?" Orihime smiled and said "you'll see" rose heard her parents footsteps and said "everyone get ready" they turned out the lights. When orihime stopped at the door and said "you ready ulqui-kun?" Ulquiorra was confused but he nodded. Orihime smiled and opened the door, rose turned on the lights and everyone said "Happy Birthday Ulquiorra!!". Ulquiorra was surprised and he felt joy in his heart. Orihime hugged him and said "happy birthday my batty". Ulquiorra opened his gifts and grimmjow looked grumpy like always but said "happy birthday emo". Ulquiorra didn't care what he calls him but he still felt happy, nel and rose took ulquiorra to his cake and smiled. Everyone starter to sing happy birthday to ulquiorra and Nntoira said "make your wish and blow the candles out so I can eat", ulquiorra ignored him and made a wish, he blew the candle's out and everyone cheered. Everyone ate cake and had a good time, soon the party was over the rest of the arrancars said happy birthday and left. Rose and orihime cleaned up, soon rose went to sleep and ulquiorra carried rose back while orihime was walking beside him. They got to their room and ulquiorra layed rose on her bed and looked at orihime and said "thank you onna for a wonderful birthday,I love you so much". Orihime hugged him and ulquiorra kissed her lips, ulquiorra said "my wish came true" and smiled. Orihime and ulquiorra layed in their bed and cuddled earth other, orihime looked at ulquiorra and said "happy birthday my bat". Ulquiorra said "my princess" they both fell asleep in each other arms.

I hope you enjoyed it and I made this drawing since it was ulquiorra birthday so Happy birthday ulquiorra!!!

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