Orihime and Ulquiorra part 29

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Orihime woke up and saw ulquiorra,rose,and hunter asleep. Orihime remember that today is rose first birthday orihime was so excited she was saying "yay it's rose birthday I'm so happy" loud. Ulquiorra and hunter woke up hearing orihime yelling. Ulquiorra went to orihime and said "onna what's wrong?are you okay?" Hunter was eating her food, orihime looked at ulquiorra smiling and said "I'm okay nothing is wrong I'm just happy that it's rose birthday". Ulquiorra nodded and went to rose he picked her up from her crib and held her close to his chest. Ulquiorra felt something warm in his chest like he is being a good father and husband. Ulquiorra walked to orihime and kissed her forehead making her blush.
------------------Time skips---------------
Orihime and Ulquiorra finished decorating the party room all the espada's were there grimmjow went to ulquiorra and said "hey pal it been awhile huh?" Ulquiorra looks at grimmjow emotionless and said "indeed". Grimmjow said "can I see your daughter?" Ulquiorra said "no" grimmjow got pissed and punched ulquiorra in the face, ulquiorra caught his fist before he punched him and said "grimmjow stop it at once don't ruin my daughter party" and let go of grimmjow fist. Grimmjow turned away and said "tch whatever all I asked if I can see your daughter so I can give her this". Grimmjow took out a small bone-like rattle and threw it at ulquiorra, ulquiorra looked at it and said "what is this?" Grimmjow closed his eyes and said "it's a rattle when you shake it a barrier goes around your daughter so it can protect her". Ulquiorra looked at grimmjow and said "thank you grimmjow". Grimmjow turned to face ulquiorra and was a little surprised that ulquiorra the emotionless espada said "thank you" and said "tch yeah no problem".
----------times skip too noon----------
"It was almost time to celebrate rose birthday" orihime said. Ulquiorra held rose in his arms and hunter was walking around eating. Ulquiorra put rose on a baby chair and orihime was bringing a white vanilla cake that says "Happy 1st Birthday Rose Schiffer". Nel lit the number 1 candle and stepped back a little so everyone can see it. Orihime said ready and everyone nodded and started singing, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to rose, happy birthday to you!" Everyone was clapping and talking how cute rose is. Ulquiorra brought the cake closer to rose and looked at orihime they both nodded and blew the candle together to help rose who was smiling and giggling. Aizen and gin didn't come to the party they were watching the whole thing with a big wide screen. Aizen smirked and said "well so rose is now 1 just wait till she's older for our plans.

Hope you liked it!

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