Orihime and Ulquiorra part 17

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Orihime was done with her lunch and ulquiorra took her tray to the kitchen. Ulquiorra came back and orihime said "ulquiorra-kun do you wanna discuss if we want kids?" Ulquiorra said "yes." Ulquiorra sat on orihime bed with hunter. Orihime said "what kid should we have a boy or a girl?" Ulquiorra said a girl I guess she would be beautiful just like you." Orihime smiles and said "black hair like you green eyes like you smart like us she could be nice has the same powers as us." Ulquiorra said "that would be amazing." It was dinner time so ulquiorra went into the kitchen and he made orihime her dinner and poured dog food and some water in a dog bowl for hunter." He walked back to orihime room and gave orihime her dinner and hunter her dinner too. Orihime was sharing her food with ulquiorra. When they finished their food ulquiorra grabbed the tray and put it in the kitchen sink. Orihime yawed and she said "ulquiorra can you please turn around so I could change." Ulquiorra nodded and turned around. Orihime took off her clothes and put on her pj's on she said ulquiorra-kun you can turn around now." Ulquiorra turned around and he said in his mind "wow she looks so beautiful." Orihime laid down on her bed hunter went next to her by the wall. Ulquiorra took off his shirt and he laid down saying "goodnight honey I love you." Orihime said "goodnight ulquiorra I love you too."

I hope you love it the next part will be a valentines party so I hope you will love it bye.

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