Orihime and Ulquiorra part 34

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----------4 days have passed--------
It been four days and orihime and ulquiorra been worrying about rose so they waited one more day until she comes back. Rose woke up and got out her bed, she stranded up and looked out the window a knock came at her door and she said "...come in..". Aizen walked in and rose turned around, facing him while he just looked and smirked at her. Aizen walked toward her and said "today rose you'll help me take over the soul society and the world of the living". Rose glared at him and said "never, I won't help you!". Aizen smirked and said "if you won't help me, then I'll kill your family". Rose eyes widen and slapped aizen. Aizen grabbed her wrist and said "never do that again or I'll punish you". He let her go. Rose sighed and said "...fine I'll help you, but please don't kill my family". Aizen smirked and said "follow me". Soon they were in aizen thrown room, there was a glowing spear and aizen opened a portal that showed the world of the living and the soul society. Aizen told rose "that the spear is a powerful weapon I need you to use your healing and hollow powers to make it work". Rose looked at him and said "how will my healing powers work?, I understand my hollow powers but why my healing". Aizen smirked and said "so the soul society can't destroy the spear you will be healing it and using your hollow powers to make a beam that will destroy both soul society and the world of the living". Rose looked down and said "I can't do this, please just let me go". Aizen glared at her and said "don't do it then I'll kill your family". Rose sighed and went to the spear she said "shun shun rikka"(I reject,same as orihime's). A shield went over the spear and rose used a cero firing at the beam then a glowing red glow begin to grow.
Ulquiorra and orihime felt a spiritual pressure that they never felt before and orihime looked at ulquiorra and said "we need to find rose now!". Ulquiorra nodded and went into his first form, and his wings came, ulquiorra picked up orihime and she used her shield. Ulquiorra fly's through the roof and was outside, orihime can sense the odd spiritual pressure and pointed at aizen palace and said "over there". Ulquiorra nodded and flys to where orihime pointed.
Rose was getting exhausted and weak but she kept using her strength and powers. The glowing red beam was growing bigger and bigger then rose powers started going down. Aizen looked at her and said "keep going don't stop, I need to take over the soul society and the world of the living". Rose tried and tried but then she stopped and the beam started shrieking, rose fell on her knees and said "a-aizen....I can't, I can't h-handle this". Aizen glared at her and pull out his zanpakūto, he walked towards her and said "do it or I'll kill you'. Rose struggled to get up but she failed, and the beam was shrieking more and more. Rose looked up at aizen and said "I...c-can't it's t-to much". Aizen stabbed her stomach and said "goodbye rose since you can't help me I'll kill your family". Rose eyes widen and said "d-damn you aizen..". And fell to the floor.

I know this is supposed to be a ulquihime love story but I had to add some action in this..

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