Orihime and Ulquiorra part 14

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Orihime woke up and she knew it was he and Ulquiorra wedding day. Orihime was jumping on the bed saying "yay are wedding day is today!!" Ulquiorra woke up saying "woman can you hush" Orihime stopped jumping on the bed and she went to go kiss Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra said "it's are big day today." Ulquiorra got up from bed and he he putted his shirt on. Hunter was happy and she licked orihime face. Ulquiorra was smiling a bit. Orihime went to the bathroom and she got changed. Ulquiorra went into the kitchen and he bring orihime her breakfast and hunter her dog food. Orihime was eating and she said "Ulquiorra you should eat too." He said "fine". Orihime putted some food in ulquiorra mouth they bothed looked in each other eyes. Then they leaned in and kissed. Grimmjow came and said "Ulquiorra Aizen needs you" Ulquiorra nodded and kissed orihime. Gin came and said "Orihime your gonna go with Loly and Menoly to put on your dress." Orihime nodded and gin left. Loly and Menoly and said "hi orihime." Orihime said "hi." Orihime opened her closet door and grabbed the wedding dress she pulled the bag off and took it off the hanger. Loly and Menoly was helping her to put it on and they got her high heels on too. They were helping her with her hairstyle and they putted a little bit of make up on. Loly and Menoly said "you look beautiful orihime." Orihime looked in a mirror and said "wow I do look beautiful I just wish my friends and my brother could see this amazing event." Ulquiorra walked in to Aizen lab he saw that grimmjow has his tuxedo. Aizen said "Ulquiorra today is the big day we got the wedding room done we just need you to get dressed." Grimmjow gave Ulquiorra his suit and he went in a bathroom to change. Ulquiorra got out of the bathroom and he was so handsome. He brushed his long black hair. Ulquiorra got out of the bathroom all the espada's said "wow ulquiorra you look amazing you are one lucky guy." Aizen and Gin said "you look amazing ulquiorra I'm proud of you." Aizen opened the door to the wedding room and Grimmjow walked ulquiorra to the front. All the espada's were sitting down and Aizen was sitting on his thrown. Nel and Grimmjow closed the doors. Loly and Menoly told orihime "are you ready?" Orihime said "yes while blushing." Orihime went out of her room and walked to the wedding room. Loly and Menoly opened the doors everyone looked and they said "wow orihime you look beautiful." She waved to nel and began to walk to ulquiorra. When she got to the front if the room ulquiorra said "woman you look so beautiful." Orihime said "thank you while she blush and said you look handsome ulquiorra." Ulquiorra blushed a bit. Gin said "Orihime do you want ulquiorra to be you lovely husband?" Orihime said "I do." Ulquiorra putted the wedding ring on Orihime finger. Gin turned to ullquiorra and said "Ulquiorra do you want Orihime to be your lovely wife?"  Ulquiorra said "I do." Orihime putted the ring on ulquiorra finger. Gin said "you may now kiss the bride." Ulquiorra leaned in and kissed Orihime. Everyone was cheering Aizen and Gin clapped.

I'm so happy that their married yay hope you love it bye.

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