{Halloween Special}

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It was Halloween and orihime wanted to do a halloween party, Rose was playing with hunter. Orihime looked at ulquiorra and said "ulqui-kun it's Halloween today, can we have a Halloween party?". Ulquiorra and rose looked at orihime and said "what's Halloween?". Orihime forgot that they don't know what is Halloween so she told them all about it. Rose was excited about it and ulquiorra was still emotionless but he knows what Halloween is now. Ulquiorra said "sure". And rose was jumping on the bed, orihime was so happy. Orihime, ulquiorra, rose and hunter went into the party room and started decorating the room (before orihime moved in with ulquiorra in hueco mundo she brought all her stuff and halloween stuff too).
----------10 minutes later----------
Orihime was finally done ulquiorra and rose looked around, rose said "this is awesome". Hunter was running around the place. Soon their was espada's coming in including aizen and gin. There were food, drinks, and games everyone was having a good time, they even dressed up. Orihime was an angel ulquiorra was a bat and rose was a devil. Aizen was superman and gin was a fox. Grimmjow was a kitty nel was a pumpkin and Nntotia was slenderman. Rose went trick or treating with orihime and ulquiorra in the world of the living. It was midnight and the party was over, everyone said "it was fun, I love it, let's do it next year." Everyone left and went to sleep orihime and ulquiorra cleaned up. Rose at some candy and fell asleep, ulquiorra picked rose up and went to their room, orihime and hunter followed. Ulquiorra layed her on her bed orihime and ulquiorra layed down on their bed, hunter slept with rose. Ulquiorra kissed orihime on her cheek and said "I liked the party we should do it again". Orihime smiled and said "yeah we should". Ulquiorra smiled a bit and said "goodnight my angel". Orihime smiled in awe and said "goodnight my bat" and they both fell asleep.

Made this Halloween special I hoped you liked it well Happy Halloween!!! :)

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