Orihime and Ulquiorra part 18

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Hunter woke up orihime and ulquiorra they were smiling. Orihime said "good morning honey." Ulquiorra said "good morning dear." Ulquiorra said so today is Valentine's Day?" Orihime said "yes." Ulquiorra said "what is a valentine day?" Orihime said "valentine day is a day of love if you love someone you could get them a gift they are special to you." Ulquiorra said "love." Orihime said "yes love." Orihime asked ulquiorra "will you be my valentine ulquiorra-kun?" Ulquiorra said "sure after all we are married." Orihime giggles and said "I'm hungry." Ulquiorra got out of bed and put on his shirt and he said "I'll be right back I'm going to get you and hunter breakfast okay?" Orihime said "okay." Ulquiorra walked out of orihime door and went into the kitchen and thinks to himself "I should go to the world of the living to get orihime something." Ulquiorra made orihime her breakfast and poured food for hunter. He walked back to orihime room and he walked in and closed the door he gave orihime her breakfast and hunter her food. Orihime said "thank you ulquiorra-kun!" Ulquiorra nodded and he ate some of orihime food because he was a little hungry. Ulquiorra said "we are going to the world of the living to get us both valentine's gifts." Orihime jumped on her bed and said "yay and can I bring hunter?." Ulquiorra said "fine and Loly and Menoly are going with you to help you and I will just go on my own." Orihime said "oh okay." Ulquiorra said "come on woman let's go." Orihime giggles a little and put hunter on a leash. When they went out of orihime room Loly and Menoly was there they said "hi orihime! are you ready to go?" Orihime said "hi and yes." Ulquiorra tapped the air and a portal came and they all went in then the portal closed. They were soon at the world of the living. Ulquiorra said we should go to different places and see what we could find." Orihime agreed and they head in different directions. Ulquiorra went to a store that said valentine's love. Ulquiorra went in and saw a lot of stuff but he saw something special he walked to it and it was a diamond necklace and a heart pillow he grabbed them and he went to pay it lucky him he has lots of money he paid it and put it in a bag then he walked out the door and headed home. Orihime was walking with Loly and Menoly they saw a store name special valentine's for your special someone. Loly and Menoly pushed her gently to the store and they were looking around to see what they could find. Orihime saw something really special for ulquiorra she walked to it. It was a strawberry balloon and a necklace that says forever yours and forever mine with a heart on it. She showed Loly and Menoly they said "wow that looks beautiful!" Orihime said "yeah I bet ulquiorra will love it." Orihime,Loly, and Menoly went to pay for them orihime used her credit card she put it in the bag and they went out the door and headed home. The balloon was behind her back but ulquiorra can't see it. When they got home ulquiorra was in her room. Orihime walked to her room. Loly and Menoly said "bye orihime-chan." Orihime said "bye loly-chan and bye menoly-chan."  Orihime was at her door she was really happy to see what ulquiorra got her. Orihime opened her door and ulquiorra was sitting on her bed holding her gift he got up and said "happy valentine's day honey." Orihime gave ulquiorra his gift and said "happy valentine's day dear." Orihime helped ulquiorra to put on the necklace that sas "forever yours and forever mines." Ulquiorra was smiling. Ulquiorra helped orihime with her diamond necklace she smiled and said "I really love it." Ulquiorra smiles and said "your welcome dear." Orihime kissed ulquiorra and ulquiorra kissed her back and said "I love you so much babe." Orihime blushed and said "I love you too honey." It was dinner so ulquiorra and orihime cooked hunter was in the room sleeping she got some dog toys and some treats. Ulquiorra and Orihime ate together they were both tired so they went to bed and they all fell asleep.

I hope you loved it and happy valentine's day bye.

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