The WAT R A D Experience

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The sun had gone down considerably by the time we found the water park. I studied the sign for a moment. Judging by the missing letters and the rust creeping along the edges, I guessed this place had been shut down awhile ago. The sign now read 'WAT R A D' which Annabeth just had to point out that it was probably meant to say WATERLAND.

We stared up at the barbed wire fence. When I saw that it was padlocked shut, I made the mistake of reaching for my pocket where my wand would usually stay. Annoyed at myself for losing it, and missing Hogwarts, I used my discomfort and anger to help propel myself upward as I began to climb the fence. Down below, Annabeth and Grover were trying to explain to Percy about Aphrodite. I doubt they even noticed my disappearance.

"Hurry up!" I called over my shoulder when I had successfully jumped down onto the concrete on the other side. The three looked at me, a bit surprised and followed.

We walked through the park as the sun dipped even further down. Finally, when it had disappeared completely, we came across a souvenir shop. I tried the door handle and found it to be open.

"Clothes," I said almost dreamily as we began looking around.

"Fresh clothes," Annabeth agreed.

"Yeah. But you can't just-" Annabeth cut Percy off when she grabbed an entire rack of clothes and disappeared to change.

"Watch me," she called over her shoulder. I shrugged and grabbed another rack of stuff, and followed her to the bathrooms.

A few minutes later we were successfully decked out in fresh outfits, from shoes to backpacks.

"You look like walking advertisements," Percy commented.

"You look like you were raised by pigs," I gestured to his filthy clothes. He stared at me for a moment before grabbing his own armful of clothes. Grover followed suit.

When we were all freshly clothed, we continued searching for the correct ride.

"What's the ride called again?" I asked.

"Weren't you listening to Ares at all?" Annabeth grumbled. It was about the third question I had asked about our side quest.

"I only listen to things that interest me and sadly, a war god threatening waitresses with knives seems too normal to be interesting," I told her.

"I would hate to see what interesting looks like then," She said.

"Found it!" Percy said suddenly stopping. He pointed to a drained out ride to our right.

"The Tunnel of Love huh? I vote Percy and Annabeth go in since they are such good friends," I grinned at the two. Annabeth gave me a disbelieving look and Percy simply glared.

In the end it was decided that Percy and Annabeth would go in and Grover and I would stay at the top in case something went wrong. Annabeth went beet red as she made her way down to the side of the pool. Percy tried to ignore it but I got the feeling he was pretty uncomfortable himself. I grinned and turned to Grover who was sniffing the air for monsters.

I got bored with staring at Percy and Annabeth as they made their way to the shield and what I guessed was Aphrodite's scarf. Turning around, I surveyed the area around us. The nearest ride to the left of us had faded waves painted over the sides. The sign said you had to be under three feet to ride so I assumed it was for kids.

To our right there was another ride that looked like it used to be a really cool water coaster. What caught my attention the most however was the paintings by the loading area. Hundreds of outlines of people were painted in various shades of blue. The biggest silhouette was a very deep black color that seemed to suck all the light out of the world around it.

The figures hands were clasped as if begging to ride. No that wasn't it. A white tear shaped hole was on her cheek. The girl was crying. My eyes widened.

"I'll be right back," I told Grover without looking him. Edging forward I strained my eyes until I could clearly see her wrist. She was wearing a bracelet. I held my breath as I stepped close enough to see what was on it.

11/14/2000. My birthday. This figure was exactly like the statue at Medusa's shop.

Behind me, I heard shouting. Grover called my name several times but I couldn't see, to pull my gaze from the figure painted before me. I was drawn even closer. A warning bell went off in my brain telling me to stay away, but I ignored it.

Somewhere through my foggy mind, I heard Annabeth scream. Percy and Grover were still shouting. My hand edged closer. An inch away from the painting, my common sense returned. Since when did Annabeth scream?

"On my mark!" Percy shouted. I closed my eyes.

"No! On my mark!" Annabeth screamed back. I opened my eyes again. I almost screamed myself. The figure was gone. I was reminded very much of an episode on Doctor Who which I had watched as a kid. "Don't blink," I remembered it saying so many times. Cringing, I managed to turn around just in time to see Grover attempting to hold up Percy and Annabeth with his flying shoes.

Shaking my head completely out of my stupor, I took off at a run. I reached them just as the slammed into a photo board with a smiling whale on it.

"Are you guys alright?" I asked worriedly.

"We're fine thanks to Grover," Percy gave him a thumbs up.

"Where were you?" Annabeth asked me. I shook my head not willing to answer.

"Show's over! Thank you! Good night!" Percy shouted at two Cupid statues. They turned around and settled back into their original positions.

"Um what was that?" I changed the subject.

"Live feed to Olympus," Percy growled,"We need to have a little talk with Ares."

It was as he marched off that I finally noticed the shield strapped to his arm. Ares's shield. I glared at it and followed after the other three. As we walked by the paintings of blue figures and searched it one last time. No black figure. Tearing my gaze away, I didn't notice Annabeth's suspicious glance.

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