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Hermione's POV

It has been three days since I have last seen Kasey. I was worried when I hadn't seen her for an hour, but three days!!!! the weirdest thing is, none of the teachers seem to notice. Almsot everyone in Gryffindor has noticed because even though she almost always hangs out with me, she is pretty popular.

The Gryffindors' uneasiness spread to the rest of the school and by the second day she was gone, every student knew about her absence.

Malfoy threw taunts at all the Gryffindors every time he passed us in the hall. If you looked into his eyes you could tell that he was uneasy too, maybe even worried. I was beyond worried though.

Of course the logical thing to do would be to see te headmaster, but other kids had tried this and he brushed them off as if nothing were happening. I couldn't think of anything else to do though.

Maybe I ought to try asking a teacher. Students were bound to ask the teachers as well, but maybe I just had to find the right one to ask.

Definitely not Professor Snape. He hated Kasey and probably didn't care what had happened to her. Professor Flitwick wouldn't help me. I need to talk to Professor Mcgonagall. You would think that some students would have asked her, but she is so strict that they were probably scared off.

She also knows that Kasey and I are friends so that could speed things along. So at the end of transfiguration that afternoon, I tentively stepped toward her desk unsure of where to start. She looked up. I opened my mouth to speak, but she beat me to it.

"Yes Ms. Granger?" she asked, but it looked as though she already knew the answer.

"Well I was just wondering if you could tell me where Kasey is? I am really worried because she is my friend," I didn't add that she is my only friend. Mcgonagall looked at me for a full minute before answering.

"Yes, I do suppose you deserve an explanation though you must promise not to tell anyone else. It would only bring chaos," she looked sternly at me over her spectacles. I nodded hurriedly. I didn't have anyone to tell anyway.

"I promise," I waited for her to continue.

"I cannot and will not give details, but Ms. Jackson has been hit by a dagger which was poisened. It is very dark magic and it is hard to see whether it is fatal or not," her stern voice had melted away and was replaced by a much gentler tone,"I'm sorry. We are doing what we can," with that she left, looking in danger of crying herself.

It took me a moment to register what she had said, but when it did, I completely broke down. She didn't deserve this. Out of any person in this school, she deserved it the least. She had been genuinly nice to me when no one else was. I broke down completely when I heard Ron whisper to Harry.

"Its no wonder no one can stand her. She's a nightmare. Honestly," the worst part was, he was right. My only friend was dying. I sobbed louder and practically ran to the bathroom where I tucked my face into my knees and cried for the remainder of the day.

I didn't care that it was the Halloween feast tonight and I didn't care that my stomach had been complaining for nearly an hour. All I cared about was Kasey and what was going to happen to her. I lost track of time and I stayed locked in a stall until I heard a lock click on the door. I didn't care if they locked me in. I would just stay here all night and the next day.

It smelled disgusting though and my curiosity got the better me when I heard a lousd grunt from right outside my stall door. I quietly pushed the door open and peeked around it and without thinking, I screamed at the top of my lungs. I slammed the door back and locked it into place.

I had just seen a troll. A huge, digusting, ugly troll was standing in the bathroom holding a rough wooden club.

Just then the door opened and I realized it was Harry and Ron when I peeked through a crack in the side of the door.

I wasn't entirely sure how it happened because I was heroically cowering in the corner of the bathroom the whole time, but they managed to knock it out. They had just saved my life.

The teachers arrived shortly after Ron had helped me up and Harry had pulled his wand from the trolls nose.

I made up a story that put the blame on me so Ron and Harry wouldn't get in trouble and they each earned 5 points while I was docked 5.

As angry as Mcgonagall was with me for what she thought I had done, when she asked to have a private word with me, her gaze was soft and gentle again.

"She is awake."

My insides lurched and I sprinted to the hospital wing with Mcgonagall not far behind.

Hopeless Love (a harry potter and percy jackson crossover)Where stories live. Discover now