A Promise

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When I woke up, my eyes refused to open. I lay in silence, trying to figure out where I was. I seemed to be lying on something soft so I assumed that I was no longer underneath the school. Before my thoughts could wander further, I heard a voice.

"Alas! Ear wax!" the voice of Albus Dumbledore said. What?

"Now if you will excuse me, I must go talk to Ms. Jackson. I believe I am right in saying that you are awake?" he directed the last part to me.

"That would be an overstatement. You are welcome to speak, but I can't garantee an answer," I spoke softly, but he still seemed to her me. I heard him chuckle and a boy laughed. I forced my eyes open the smallest amount to see. Harry.

Suddenly, energy rushed into me and I jumped out of bed and ran towards Dumbledore. Harry looked a little disappointed that I hadn't gone to him first, but I brushed it off.

"Ron and Hermione. Are they alright?" Dumbledore smiled and nodded. I sighed and went to sit on Harry's bed.

"Can we talk here?" I asked him. I wanted to stay with Harry. He nodded and Harry smiled at me.

"You mist visit me in my office later for a cup of tea though," Harry looked confused.

"Tea? Sorry Professor I don't drink tea. Unless you would like me to be sick in your office-"Dumbledore gave me a pointed look and I finally understood.

"Oh right. Can we talk then instead. Harry can tell me about the stone," I asked not embarrassed in the slightest. I can not express my hate of tea.

"Alright then. I must be going," Harry smiled, but I wasn't satisfied yet.


"Yes Kasey?"

"No tea right?"

He winked at me and closed the door softly behind him.

"What is that supposed to mean? I wasn't kidding when I said I don't do tea. Shut up Harry," he was quite enjoying this. He calmed down enough to ask me a question.

"Why couldn't he say everythin in front of me?" he asked. He did look slightly hurt.

"I dunno," but I did know. Harry didn't know about my other life. My other half. I had to change the subject.

"So what happened to Quirrell?" I was dying to know what happened to the stone and Voldemort.

"He's.....dead," Harry told me awkwardly.

"Well how? I was unconscious Harry! What happened?" He laughed and began the story from the beginning.

After you tossed the stone to me, Voldemort told Quirrell to grab you. I distracted him by pretending to run away. I wasn't going to really. There was no way I was leaving you there!" I rolled my eyes, but smiled,"He took the bait and Quirrell tried to kill me. I'm not positive what happened next, but every time I touched him, he got burned real bad. Dumbledore says it was my mother's love that saved me. I fell unconscious shortly after he died. That's really it. Not much to tell," he finished rather modestly.

"Oh you were brilliant I'm sure," I told him. He smiled.

"Not as great as you were! Where did you get that hat?" Uh oh!

"Umm...it was a gift," I avoided his gaze.

"Oh," he said a little upset,"So why did you pass out?" he asked. That's exactly what I wanted to know.

"I'm not sure. He looked into my eyes and I just dropped. It was weird," we sat in silence for a moment, lost in our own thoughts.

"Well I think I'm going to visit Ron and Hermione," I stood up. Harry stayed seated.

"I don't think we are supposed to leave." I smiled. As if he hadn't broken a rule before!

"I don't care. I am perfectly capable of leaving. See you Harry!" he smiled uncertainly. I turned to leave.

"Wait!" Harry almost yelled.


"I just wanted to tell you that I won't be leaving you out anymore. If anything else happens, I want you by my side every time," we grinned at each other. After a moment's hesitation I leapt over to give him a hug.

"Oh Harry! Thankyou! I promise that I'll be there every time!" webroke apart and I skipped out the door, closing it behind me.

Hermione and Ron were standing there looking worried. From behind the door I heard voices.

"Where is Ms. Jackson? Mr Potter did you see her leave?" Madam Pomfrey asked Harry.

"Uhhh...no," I smiled and turned to my friends. I had a lot of explaining to do.

Hopeless Love (a harry potter and percy jackson crossover)Where stories live. Discover now