Rainbows and Bikers

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Seven days until the summer solstice, our dead line, the four of us stood in the middle of a do-it-yourself car wash, in an attempt to contact Chiron.

On top of our horrible stench and dirty, torn clothes, fatigue was wearing us down and I knew we couldn't last much longer without food or rest. Still, Percy had to tell Chiron of his underwater visit and whatnot.

It was in this dreary car wash, that Percy and I learned the primary way for demigods to message each other. Iris messaging sounded pretty stupid, but if you could find a good water source, like he spray gun at a car wash, then it turns out to be pretty efficient.

Grover held the spray gun and turned the knob to FINE MIST. The afternoon light filtered in and soon enough we had a small, makeshift rainbow.

Annabeth took the last drachma from Percy and held it up saying,"Oh Iris, accept our offering." I almost laughed. It seemed ridiculous. She them threw the gold coin into the mist,"Half-Blood Hill."

Nothing happened. Percy and I looked at each other then back at the rainbow. Suddenly, a picture began to appear. Standing on the porch of the Big House with his back to us was-

"Luke!" Percy called. He turned around, surprised.

"Percy!" He grinned,"Is that Annabeth and Kasey too? Thank the gods! Are you guys alright?"

"We're...uh...fine," Annabeth stammered. I rolled my eyes and Percy tried not to laugh. She looked down at her clothes and seemed to become very self conscious.

They explained how we were trying to get ahold of Chiron and in turn, Luke told us that he was down at the cabins. Apparently there was some sort of trouble with the campers.

"Is Grover alright?" Luke asked.

Grover popped his head into view,"I'm right here! What sort of trouble?"

Before Luke could answer, a car pulled into the car wash, hip hop blaring.

"What's that noise?" Luke yelled.

"I'll take care of it!" Annabeth visibly relaxed when she was out of view of the message. She made Grover give Percy the nozzle and the three of us headed towards the source of the music.

Grover and I approached the man who was humming along with the song playing in his car. Annabeth snuck around the other side of the car while his back was turned.

"Excuse me," I called out to the man. He turned around and looked questioningly at us. I looked around for inspiration. Not knowing what else to do, I simply willed the water he was spraying his car with to change direction and spray him instead.

The man yelled in frustration. No matter which way he held the nozzle, it continued to spray him in the face. Suddenly the music switched off. Annabeth had done her job then. I made a mini whirlwind with the water and it began chasing the man. He screamed and jumped into his car. In a matter of seconds, he was gone.

The three of us returned to Percy, laughing hysterically, but his expression made our smiles fade almost instantly.

"What did he say?" I dared ask.

"Not much," Percy replied. I could tell he was lying, but when he suggested we find food, I decided the horrible news could wait.


Percy, Annabeth, and Grover all sat in a booth by the window in a fairly nice diner. I was in the bathroom, trying to freshen up a little bit. I scrubbed my hands until they were raw and cleaned the dirt off my face. Figuring there was nothing else I could do I returned to my friends. Except there was a creepy biker guy squishing Annabeth against the window.

"Umm....... Who are you?" I approached them. All his weird biker clothes were red and black. A hunting knife was strapped to his belt and red shades hid his eyes from view.

"So this is the other one huh?" The guy said,"Old Seaweed's all about breaking the oath."

His scarred face broke into a grin and I cringed. I knew who this was.

"Sup little cousin?" He asked. I felt unnaturally angry and instantly knew it was him making me mad.

"Look just tell us what you want Ares!" Percy said annoyed. The anger seemed to have the biggest effect on him.

The waitress came back with heaping plates of food and chocolate milkshakes. The four of us questers were distracted momentarily by the smell. Ares paid the lady with a handful of drachmas. She look confused and tried to protest but Ares pulled out his knife.

"Problem sweetheart?" The woman disappeared quickly and the rest of us ate quietly, glaring at the god. Knowing it wouldn't do any good, I didn't bother saying anything. I clocked out Percy's short lived rebellion and didn't start paying attention until Ares mentioned something about needing a favor.

"Sure we can do you a favor!" I said sarcastically,"It's not like we're on a deadline or anything." Naturally he ignored me.

"I left my shield in an abandoned water park here in town. I was going on a little..... date (I gagged) with my girlfriend. We were interrupted. I left my shield behind. I need you to fetch it for me."

"Why don't you go back and get it yourself?" Percy and I said at the same time.

"Why don't I turn you into a prairie dog and run you over with my Harley? Because I don't feel like it." Ares went on insulting Percy. I swear it's like I wasn't even here. He hadn't looked at me once.

"We're not interested," Percy said defiantly,"We've already got a quest."

I finished my meal in silence, barely listening to the two. He mentioned that he would give us a ride west if we finished his job.

"Help me out and I'll tell you something you need to know. Something about your mom," Ares looked at me for the first time and I felt a wave of nausea pass over me. He smiled slightly as I struggled through a pounding headache.

Next thing I know he's gone and Annabeth is looking worriedly at me,"Are you alright?"

I nodded slowly and stood up.

Basically all that happened next was Annabeth and Grover, looking quite pale, telling us we had no choice but to go. Just our luck. Percy struggled to find a way out, but when you are up against Annabeth, there is no doubt who would win. So naturally, we finished our food and headed on a stupid side quest to the location of Ares's last date.

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