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Ally's POV

I woke up really cold. I shivered and sat up. All my siblings steady breathing could be heard from their beds around the room. I swung out of bed and put on my coat and combat boots. I had slept in my jeans, being to tired to change the evening before.

I quietly slipped out of the Apollo cabin at camp half-blood and went to the training arena to practice. I swung my bow and arrows over my shoulder. I am the best with a bow in the camp and probably in te world because my dad is Apollo.

I set up targets in various places a practiced shooting them. I hit the center of each target. I waited a moment and the arrows appeared on my back again. I smiled and took a break. I looked around and noticed a dark shape trotting along to Thalia's tree.

It was probably Grover. He is a satyr and he is most likely headed to his school where he is monitering a potentially powerful demigod.

I felt a rustle beside me and turned to see Annabeth. She is a few years younger than me and a daughter of Athena. We are really close because we both were run-aways together with Luke Castellan and Thalia Grace.

She took out her dagger and bagan expertly slicing up a dummy. I smiled and watched her. A few minutes later, the breakfast bell rang and we headed up to the pavilion, Annabeth covered in sweat.

I piled steaming food onto my plate and went to scrape the best part into the flaming braziers meant for the gods. I went to go sit with my siblings and Annabeth went to her's. I didn't like talking to my siblings because they were so much like Apollo himself. The only resemblance that I have to him is my talent with a bow. Apollo's other children though, are always spouting poems and lymrics. I can't stand it.

Annabeth was chatting with one of the boys in her cabin whose name I honestly didn't know. I hadn't made much of an effort to make friends since Thalia, so I didn't really feel the need to learn everybody's name.

The day plowed on slowly as we did our usual canp activities. I even manage to make it up the climbing wall with only a few singed hairs.

It wasn't until after lunch when I went to visit Thalia's tree that anything unusual happened. There I was sitting on the roots when I saw it.

Just outside the border, a tall bearded man appeared out of thin air. I scrambled to my feet an hid behind the tree. He appeared to be carrying something.

As he walked closer, I realized it was a girl with shoulder length, brown hair that looked about my age. She was limp in his arms. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was shallow. She needed help.

I jumped out from behind the tree with an arrow already loaded on my bow and trained straight at the man's head.

"I need to see Chiron. This is urgent. Please?" he looked really upset.

"Chiron isn't here. Who are you? What's wrong with her?" My voice was quite steady, but something about the way he had suddenly appeared had unnerved me.

"My name is not of any importance, but I am a friend of Chiron. This girl is of your kind. She has been poisened and has but minutes to live. You must save her," he spoke in a pleading voice. He must really care about this girl.

"Who is her godly parent?" I asked as I wordlessly took her from his arms.

"She will be able to tell you when she wakes up," he turned and walked away leaving me holding a dying girl. Maybe he didn't care about her that much.

I hauled her up the hill screaming for help along the way. If she truly was one of us, we could save her easily, but doing it in time was a different matter.

She obviously wasn't mortal. That became clear when she was able to pass the border without being given permission.

Luke, Annabeth, and several other campers met me halfway to the big house.

"What happened?" Luke asked me. Then he spotted the girl in my arms,"What's wrong with her?"

"Poisened," I continued to lug her all by myself without the assistance of my very helpful friends. Annabeth gasped.

"I know her!" she ran forward and grabbed her legs and together we managed to get her up the stairs and through the door.

"Someone get some ambrosia and nectar," Annabeth spoke in a demanding way and two boys scrambled away.

"How could you know her?" I asked Annabeth. She was staring wordlessly into the girl's face.

"I don't know. I just feel like I have seen her before," that wasn't it. She was hiding something. Before I could reply however the boys returned.

One handed Annabeth some ambrosia and the other some nectar. I opened the girls mouth and Annabeth forced down some ambrosia.

It took three more mouthfuls before the girls breathing returned to normal and another before she opened her eyes. I gasped. Her eyes were a beautiful sea green color.

She flipped out of the chair she was in and pulled a smooth stick of wood out of her pocket. I looked more closely at it and realized that it was the same silvery wood as Thalia's tree.

"Where did you get that?" I glared at her and she stared back. She didn't look at all frightened. Just a little confused. She seemed to realize what she was holding and she quickly stuffed it back in her pocket, choosing to ignore my question.

That was when I realized what she was wearing. She had on long flowing black robes with a red and gold symbol near the front.

"Who are you?" I asked her in the same tone of voice. Annabeth sent a nasty look my way.

"I could ask the same of you!" She had attitude which makes her quite like me.

"You are at Camp Half-blood. A camp for demigods," Annabeth said kindly, but the girl waved her off.

"I know, but who are you? If I am staying here until Christmas break, I would like to know your mames. This took me by surprise. She must have known she was coming before she was poisened.

"I'm Annabeth and this is Ally," Annabeth told her. We went around the room saying our names while she listened, noddin from time to time.

"I'm Kasey. Also a daughter of Ne- Poseidon," she looked worried, but no one seemed to hear her slip up. All around people gasped. I was amazed. Thalia was the only child of the big three. They are basically illegal. Kasey didn't seem to realize this as she was looking around the cabin with interest. Her eyes landed on Annabeth who was looking right back at her.

They both looked scared. Like they knew something we didn't. Something weird was definitely going on here.

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