Leaving Again

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"Mom?" I breathed. She nodded, tears glistening in her eyes. I ran towards her and after a moments hesitation, leaped into her open arms.

"Well, I best be going. I will be back for Ms. Jackson within the hour," Dumbledore made to leave, but I stopped him.

"Jackson?" I thought my last name was Grace.

"Your last name is indeed Jackson not Grace. You see, I did not know who your parents were until very recently. I knew that you were a child of one of the Big Three, but I knew not which. I naturally assumed you were the missing child in the Grace family, but obviously I was wrong. Oh and by coincidence, your middle name is Grace. I really must be going," he turned on his heel and with a loud crack he disappeared.

My mother (it felt weird calling a complete stranger my mother) stared wide-eyed at the spot where he had left. After a moment she seemed to get over her shock and she turned to me with a warm smile on her face.

"I am sure you have a lot of questions. Ask me anything," she led me into a small apartment that smelled strongly of beer. I was met with the unpleasant sight of 5 very large old guys playing poker, each gripping a beer.

My mother grabbed my shoulders and steered me away from them and we seemed to pass them unnoticed. We entered a very disgusting room that had empty crushed cans and bottles everywhere and a couple pairs of muddly boots sitting on the un-made bed.

"Do you drink beer and play poker as well?" I asked her suspiciously.

"Course not. My husband, Gabe, does though. This is his mess. He enjoys trashing this room because it belings to my son who is away for school. When he comes back, he makes him clean up the mess that he didn't make. I help him though because it isn't fair to him," she said all this calmly, but the look in her eyes suggested fury.

"How come you married that guy?" I was still registering the part where she said that she had a son. Which meant that I have a brother.

"For your brother's protection. Gabe's smell masks Percy's demigod stench so monsters aren't attracted," she looked at me as if she were searching me.

"Percy? Is he my brother?" I was struggling tp keep my voice down, but anger was boiling ip inside of me.

"He is your twin actually," she leaned back slightly like she knew what was coming and she was preparing herself mentally for it to come.

"And how come he grew up here?" My voice had risen, but it wasn't to a shout yet.

"It was to protect you. I am so sorry! i didn't want to give you up, but your father made me. It wasfor your own protection! We couldn't have two in the same house," she was positively howling now and I did not no what to do. My anger faded as quickly as it had come and I put an arm around my mother.

"I'm sorry. It wasn't your fault," I was almost crying myself now and I hated crying. I quickly changed the subject.

"So where is my brother?" if I had a twin brother, I definitely wanted to meet him. My mom's crying gradually came to an end and when I asked this question she looked up and smiled.

"He is at school. He won't be back until the end of the term," my smile faded slightly, but I forced ine when she looked over at me.

"What is he like?" it felt strange having a twin and not even knowing of his existance. A dreamy look came over mom's face and I could tell she really loved him. A pang of jealousy rose up through me and I had a sudden urge to leave, but I ignored it.

"He has black hair and sea green eyes. He is very energetic and gets angry easily, but the loyalty he has for his friends and the love he has for family balance out everything out. He has dyslexia and ADHD, but you probably already knew that because almost all demigods have one or the other," she said all this rather quickly, but I took in every word and locked it in my memory.

"I don't have dyslexia or ADHD," I told her. She looked startled by this news, but merely shrugged.

A car alarm blared outside, but I didn't give it a second thought until-

"That's the signal. You have to go back to school now. I have a few things to give you before you go though," she motioned for me to stay put and I watched as she pulled a silver dagger from her belt and a hairpin from her pocket.

"These are just in case anything attacks you. Monsters are attracted to demigods and will not hesitate to kill you. If you get into a situation where you don't have your wand, use these," she handed to me and I slipped the dagger into my belt, but I stared at the hairpin, unsure of its significance.

"Oh! If you open the hairpin it will become a bow with unlimited arrows. Most children of Neptune are not good with bows, but your father believes that you would do better with this than a sword. You may not be as good as Apollo's children, but with practice you could be great," she gave me a huge long hug and ushered me out the door without another word.

Despite all that had happened, I felt sad and empty as a trudged back to Dumbledore who was waiting across the street. I had found my mom an then I was pushed out again without any promise of a next visit.

My mind went to the missing Grace kid and a silently vowed that I would find them, no matter what because I know what it is like to not have any parents and if I could reunite them with their mother then part of that scar that I had from being kicked out of home after home might heal itself.

For the first time I grabbed Dumbledore's arm prepared to apparate without hesitation. My vision began to swirl, but before we disappeared completely, I could just make out two dark figures in masks running towards us with their wands out. I tried to scream, but no sound came out. When we appeared in Dumbledore's office I felt a sharp pain in my side. I fell to my knees and cried out.

I realized what had happened just before I passed out. One of those people in masks had thrown a dagger and it was currently wedged deep in my side.

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