The Nature of Demigods

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"Chiron!" I yelled as I banged on the door of the big house,"I'm back!"

Let me just say, big mistake. The door opened a moment later, but instead of Chiron, the camp director, Mr. D stood there glaring right at me.

"Oh it's you. And why did the famous Lacey Johnson decide to come back?" So now I'm famous here too?

"Um, well, school ended so..." I trailed off awkwardly.

"That's the thing I don't get. If you had school year round, then I wouldn't have to put up with you brats," He started to close the door, but I put my foot in the way.

"Where's Chiron?" I demanded.

"Why should I tell you Lacey-"

"Kasey Jackson," I corrected.

"Whatever," and then my foot was no longer in between the door and the frame. With one last eye roll, Mr. D slammed the door in my face.

"Git," I mumbled. I caught myself before I yelled it though. Insulting a god was probably not the wisest thing.

Still grumbling, I reached my cabin and swung open the door. I checked to make sure that all my demigod stuff was still there, then changed into a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt.

As I pulled it over my head, I glanced to the side and saw that a second bed had been used. The sheets were lying everywhere and random pieces of clothing littered the floor around the bed. Looking closer, I realized that it was boy's clothing.

I wondered whether it was Percy, my full brother that my mom mentioned on our brief meeting. I decided to find Annabeth. She would know.

Just as the thought crossed my mind, the door swung open and I was attacked by a someone with familiar blonde curls.

Annabeth flung herself on top of me in a very non-Annabeth way. After she had released me from the deadly hug, and helped me up, we headed to the dining pavilion for dinner.

"What was that for?" I asked her, thinking about the hug.

"I don't know. I guess it's just that your brother is driving me insane. I swear his head is full of seaweed. It's just nice to have you back. He is such an idiot," Annabeth fumed silently as we walked.

"When did he arrive?" I asked her after she calmed a bit.

"About two weeks ago. He killed the
Minotaur and passed out afterwards. Yesterday was his first day out of the infirmary," she said.

"He killed the Minotaur?" as far as I knew, he hadn't even known about monsters before that.

"Yeah. I'm curious to see how he does in capture the flag," I silently agreed. We were halfway to the pavilion now.

"Where is he?" I burst out. Annabeth looked at me weirdly.

"The dinner bell just rang so I assume he is on his way to the pavilion like us," I nodded slowly.

"What's he like?" Annabeth stopped and I bumped into her. She whirled around to face me.

"His name is Percy Jackson. Is he not your full brother?" she demanded.

"Well yeah..." I trailed off awkwardly.

"I just naturally assumed that you lived with him. Where have you lived all your life?" my eyes began to water and I turned away.

I couldn't bare to be reminded of the fact that I hadn't been loved for most of my life. I had lived in about thirty different homes since I was born and I just met my real mother this year. There was a good reason for it, but that made it no less painful.

"Nevermind," Annabeth said quickly,"You'll meet him at your table I guess. Good luck!" she hugged me one last time and went to sit with the rest of her siblings in the Athena cabin.

I turned to the Posiedon table and sat down, alone, as always. I grabbed my plate and thought of a cheeseburger and fries.

I then headed over to the bronze brazier and scraped a portion of my fries and part of my sandwich into the flames. When I returned to my seat there were two more occupants at the table. A satyr and a boy with black hair and sea green eyes who must be my twin brother.

I sat down across from them and they looked up.

"You're supposed to sit with your cabin. Are you new here? I've never seen you before," the satyr asked. I just continued to stare at Percy, who shifted uncomfortably in is seat.

"Uh, hi," Percy said awkwardly.

"Hi," I managed to blink and tried for a smile. Suddenly my ears perked up. Something was behind me.

I ducked just as a fist flew where my head had been only moments before. I instantly knew who it was.

"Clarisse, I'm really not in the mood," she glared at me, but didn't leave.

"When did you get back Jackson? I was starting to think you had been eaten by a monster. Course I wouldn't be surprised," she smirked evilly at me.

My anger flared up. Before she even had time to react, I kneed her hard in the stomach. When she leaned over in pain, I flipped her over so that she was on her back. When she started to get up, I pushed my dagger against her throat.

"You were saying?" it was my turn to smirk. Clarisse struggled to her feet as I pulled the dagger away.

"Pretty impressive. You should teach your punk brother some moves. Though I doubt it would help," Percy leapt at her, but I held him back.

"Even you couldn't take out the Minotaur Clarisse," she sent me one last glare and stalked off to her table. It took me a moment to realize that the entire pavilion was staring at me.

I smiled at them before turnin back to my food.

"You're my sister?" Percy asked.

"Twin, actually," I grinned widely. Percy looked stunned. Suddenly a scream sounded from behind me and another person wrapped me in a hug.

"Kasey!" Ally screamed in my ear,"That was freaking awesome!"

"Hey Ally!" I laughed,"Can you get the Stolls? I need to ask them a favor," she nodded and I smiled mischieviously. When she ran to the Hermes table, I turned back to my food yet again.

I took a bite of my burger and swallowed the cold bite with difficulty. I scraped the rest into the brazier with a sigh.

"So how come you never lived with us?" Percy asked finally.

"I-" I started to say, but I was cut off by a searing pain in my head just like when I looked into Voldemort's eyes. I screamed loudly and Annabeth steadied me.

An image passed through my mind. I small, worn, leather diary. Then it disappeared and only three words were left in my mind.

Tom Marvolo Riddle

"Are you alright?" Annabeth asked. I looked around and saw everyone's eyes on me yet again.

"I need to speak with Chiron," Chiron nodded from the head of the pavilion. We wandered out of earshot from the rest of the camp.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle. Know him?" I whispered. He shook his head.

"Oh," I said disappointed. I made a mental note to ask Dumbledore when I got back to school,"That's it." I turned to go, but thought of something else.



"Can I visit my mother tomorrow?" Chiron's face passed from confused to concerned.

"Your mother was taken by the Minotaur."

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