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I woke up after what Madam Pomfrey says has been three days. The dagger has been taken out of my side, but the pain is the same as when it had first wedged in me.

I spent most of my time thrashing and screaming. Madam Pomfrey told me it was the poisen on the dagger that intensified the pain.

After about a week of living like this relief came at last. Madam Pomfrey had set a bowl of water on my bedside table and left to get something else. I was left completely alone and in one particularly painful stab of pain, I thrust my hand in the water out of instinct.

I don't know how I knew, but the next moment, the water was crawling up my arm and down to my side. I sat stiller than I had all week and stared, fascinated by the scene in front of me. When it reached my side it covered the wound completely.

I sighed in relief as the pain vanished completley. I watched as the water trailed back up my arm and back into the water bowl where my hand still sat. I chanced a look at my side and gasped not even one small scratch was visible.

Madam Pomfey came bustling back out of her office carrying another disgusting concoction, no doubt for my wound.

I swallowed down my disgust and quickly pretended to be asleep so she didn't think I had healed myself. I had a feeling it had something to do with being a demigod and I did not feel up to explaining the matter to her.

She gently lifted my shirt up a few inches so she could get to the wound. She lathered the concoction on her hands and prepared to apply it to the injury, but of course it wasn't there.

She gasped and fell back speechless. I pretended to wake up.

"H-how?" she asked me. I put on an act of confusion. I reached down to my side and felt around for a moment then looked up.

"You healed it! I can't believe it! Can I go now?" I asked her which I suppose didn't really help the situation, but I wanted to find Hermione.

Madam Pomfrey opened her mouth, but just then the door slammed open and Hermione ran in followed by Professor Mcgonagall. I jumped up and dove at Hermione who seemed to be crying.

"Oh Kasey, I thought I had lost you," she pulled me into a hug and sobbed on my shoulder.

"Oh come on Hermione! You really think one poisened knife was going to kill me? It would probably take ten," she smiled and I returned it. Without another word, we turned and marched out the open door with Madam Pomfrey protesting the whole way.

"What if there is internal damage?" Hermione asked me,"Are you sure you are completely healed?" she looked deadly serious.

"I'm positive. Don't worry, I'm fine," we continued on our way towards the common room in silence for awhile until the portrait hole came in view.

"It's odd isn't it? How you healed so quickly? Mcgonagall said that you were unconscious for weeks and when you woke up you just screamed the whole time and just like that its gone," she looked rather upset. I expected that she had never been this confused before and it was probably getting to her. I decided the best thing to do was to remain silent.

There was party in the common room that night because of my return. The best part of the night however, was finding that Harry, Ron, and Hermione were friends now. They explained to me about the troll tht had broken in and almost killed Hermione. And how Hermione had lied so they didn't et in trouble. I beamed at them all, happy that they were getting along so that I could be friends with all of them easier.

Shortly after their story was done, I excused myself and went off to bed.


When I awoke the next morning, Hermione wasn't there. This was the first time that she hadn't waited for me. Feeling slightly hurt, I pulled on my robes and headed downstairs where I found Harry, Hermione, and Ron waiting for me. I grinned widely at seeing them together.

We set off towards breakfast together for the first time ever. In Herbology, I sat next to Ron and in Transfiguration, I sat in between Harry and Hermione.

When we arrived at Potions after lunch, Snape seemed in a worse mood than usual. As soon as we entered the classroom, he pounced in me.

"Not there Jackson," he sneered at me, for I had been attempting to sit next to Hermione,"You have a new assigned seat right there," he smiled nastily at me and pointed to the empty chair right in front of his desk.

The slytherins were almost dying laughing, but all the Gryffindors gave me uneasy looks. I smiled reassuringly at Harry who looked more worried than anyone else.

I trudged to the front of the room and flopped down in the chair that Snape had indicated. I glared at him as he began to teach the lesson, and I didn't take in one word of it.

About halfway through the class, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest. I felt sick. I closed my eyes and put my head in my hands in order to relax.

"Jackson!" I jumped startled by the sudden noise,"What do you think you are doing?" Snape was looking at me with such loathing that I wanted to slap him, but instead I racked my brain for a retort.

"What does it look like I am doin-" I cut myself off. I searing pain whhere my heart is, flared up inside of me. I screamed in pain and fell off my chair (again I might add). The class was too stunned to do anything, but I knew exactly what was happening and by the looks of it, so did Hermione.

That water had only healed the surface of the wound, it had failed to get what remained inside of me. hermione had been right. There was still poisen in me and it had reached my heart.

Hopeless Love (a harry potter and percy jackson crossover)Where stories live. Discover now