Someone Knows

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My smile instantly faded. My eyes widened. Besides Dumbledore and Ollivander, no wizards knew of my being a demigod.

"What is it?" Hermione asked, moving closer to me.

"Uhhh....... I have to go see Dumbledore," I pushed past her and sprinted as fast as I could out of Gryffindor tower. I stopped halfway down the first hallway, unsure of where to go. I decided my best hope was to continue walking and hope I met a friendly teacher who could point me in the right direction. Of course, I had no such luck.

Halfway to the staff room, I ran into Peeves. Peeves is a poltergeist, he enjoys mayem and pain. He listens to no one, but the Bloody Baron which is the slytherins' ghost. He loves to annoy the schools occupants no matter teacher or student, but he especially loves bothering Filch the caretaker and getting first years into trouble. I had learned all this the following evening when we had run into him on the way to the library and he pulled a rug from under my feet.

He spotted and swooped down upon me yelling, "Why, its an ickle firstie!" he looked as though christmas had come early.

"Get out of my way Peeves! This is important," I swiped at him with my free hand and continued running, but he followed along beside me.

"Not very nice are we? What could be so important at this hour?" he blew a raspberry in my ear.

"None of your business!" I swiped at him again, but this time he dodged it. He flew over to my other side and before I could react, he had pulled the letter from my hand.

"NO! GIVE IT BACK!" I snatched at it, but he held it just out of reach with a huge grin on his face. I glared at him.

"Whatever might this be? Is this the very top secret business?" he unrolled it, but I wasn't going to let him read it, he would tell the whole school what I was.

"Please? I have to take it to Dumbledore!" I snatched at it again to keep him occupied enough so he didn't have time to read it.

"Since you said please, I will take it to him for you," I stood horror-struck as he flew above my reach and unrolled the letter.

"DON'T! THAT IS PRIVITE YOU EVIL LITTLE GIT! GIVE IT BACK!' I jumped, trying to reach his leg to pull him down, but it was no use.

"Godling? Wee ickle firstie is a godling? Must tell the teachers I must," with that he flew down the hall an out of sight. I followed him. Tears stung my vision. What would happen to me now?

I was almost to the open door of the staff room when a paper wad was stuffed down the back of my shirt. Peeves cackled and flew into the room. I could hear him whispering. I hoped that none of the professors felt much like talking in the staff room.

I yanked the paper out of the back of my shirt and unrolled it. It was my letter. I was crying freely now. I desperatley wanted to find Dumbledore, and I had no idea what was going to happen to me.

I wiped my eyes and slowly walked into the room. The scene that met my eyes was definitely no what I was expecting. Dumbledore had his wand pointed at Peeves who seemed to be yelling, but no sound was coming out. The staff looked confused and even more so when tey saw me enter the room.

"Excuse me Professor," Dumbledore looked up at me,"I have something important that I need to tell you." He gave me a meaningful look and motioned for me to follow him.

"Come Peeves," he added and e zoomed out the door after us, still unable to talk. Even though the only one he respected was the Bloody Baron, he still didn't dare openly disobey the headmaster. As soon as we were out of earshot, I broke into more sobs.

"I am so sorry Professor! I tried to stop him! I really did!" I looked at my feet unable to stare at his face. He laid a hand gently on my shoulder.

"The fault was not your and no harm had been done, so why are you so upset?" he paused a moment,"Lemon Drop," a staircase began spiraling upwards and we climbed on. So this was where he lived.

I thought about his question. Why was I so upset? I had been moved from home to unloving home ever since I could remember. Then two huge secrets had been shoved at me and not only was I overwhelmed, I was scared. I feared for my life.

I looked around. I took in none of my surroundings until I saw Peeves and Dumbledore whispering. They seemed to come to an agreement and Peeves zoomed out the door, yelling freely again.

"Come. There is something I must show you," he held out his arm.

"Hermione says you can't apparate or disapparate inside Hogwarts," I told him. He smiled and his eyes twinkled.

"She would be quite right then, but being me has its priveledges," he patiently waited for me to grab hold, but still I did not.

"I have to tell you something," I held out the letter,"It is important."

"It can wait. This is important as well," I reluctantly reached out and grabbed his arm feeling the familiar sickness wash over me.

When I recovered, I noticed we were standing in front of a house and we seemed to be back in the United States. The door swung open and a woman stepped out. I gasped. I don't know how, but I know who this is.

I was staring into the face of my mother.

Hopeless Love (a harry potter and percy jackson crossover)Where stories live. Discover now