Hermione Granger

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I ground my teeth together and Ron helped me up. We started to walk away, but if you don't know me yet, I have anger issues.

"Scared Grace? Wait! Is that a Weasley? You gotta be careful who you hang out with. Tell me did you have to sleep in a cardboard box while you were there?" I turned around so fast that I almost knocked Ron over again. Malfoy had a big smirk on his face and all I wanted to do at that moment was smack it off. I advanced with my hand raised and he flinched. Coward.

I swung hard, but before I could hit him, a different hand yanked my wrist back. It was Ron.

"Come on Kasey. He isn't worth your time," with that he dragged me away from Malfoy. I struggled, but saw it was useless and helped Ron with the trunks.

We came to the very end of the corridor and still hadn't found an empty compartment, so when I spotted Harry sitting by himself in the very last one on the right, I pulled the door open.

"Can we sit here?" I asked him.

"Everywhere else is full," Ron added.

"Sure," he smiled. He was probably relieved to have company. I don't blame him though cause he did look like a loner.

"Ron Weasley by the way. This is Kasey Grace. You have probably heard of her," he told Harry.

"No I haven't, but nice to meet you. I'm Harry Potter," he held out his hand,but Ron didn't take it. He was starin mouth open at Harry's forehead which contained a lightning shaped scar.

"How is it that the first two other kids my age that I meet are the two most famous wizards (or witches) alive?" he said. I laughed at his face and Harry smiled uncertainly.

Ron and I sat down and started a conversation about quidditch in which Harry was fascinated by. Then a plump, kind looking lady opened the compartment door and asked us if we wanted any food. Harry took a ton of stuff and paid for it all from money in a bulging pouch.

"Hungry are you?" Ron asked.

"Starving! want some?" Harry asked us.

"No thanks," I told him with a smile, but within a few minutes both boys were stuffing their faces with candy. I decided to take the opportunity and explore. I wanted to find other girls my age so that I didn't have to hang out with just boys all the time.

A few doors down, I noticed that same girl that I met when buying my robes. The girl that looked like me. She was sitting alone and she looked upset, so I slid the door open and walked up to her.

"May I sit here?" I asked her. Se smiled, revealing overly large front teeth.

"Of course!" she motioned to the seat next to her and I took it.

"I'm Hermione Granger. My parents are both muggles so I only just found about witches and wizards. My parents were quite proud when they found out though an of course I have already learned loads, as I have memorized all our books. I hope it will be enough to catch up with the kids who have wizard parents. Sorry, who are you?" se said all this rather quickly and I raised an eyebrow, but held out my hand.

"Kasey Grace. I hope we didn't have to memorize anything because I certainly didn't do that." I told her. Her eyes lit up and she looked really excited.

"You're Kasey Grace? You and Harry Potter are in tons of books that I got for extra information!" she looked like this should be amazing news for me so I forced a smile.

"Am I?" my voice had already aquired a british accent since I had been here so thankfully I didn't have to explain all that to her. She nodded happily and we spent the next to hours talking about random things, but Higwarts was the most common topic. What would it be like?

I decided that I liked Hermione and she seemed to like me. She was a bit overeager about school work and books, but she us really nice and she educated me well on Hogwarts a History. It sounds boring, but it was actually quite interesting.

We even tried doing a few spells (she admired my wand greatly when I pulled it out). She was better at spells than me, but I managed to do a few small things.

We took a break a while later and started discussing quidditch.

"I don't like sports much, but it would be fascinating to see a wizarding one in action," she told me.

"I think quidditch is cool, though I am no good at i-" the door slid open a chubby kid with puffy eyes glanced all around our compartment.

"Have either of you seen my toad? I can't find him," he sniffed pitifully.

"No. Sorry. I'll help you look though," I offered. He smiled gratefully and Neville (as he introduced himself) and I went right and Hermione went toward Harry and Ron.

Neville took one side and I took te other. I went down about 4 compartments with no sign of a toad. Neville closed the door across from me, shook his head, and moved in to the next one. I turned and slid the door in front of me open.

"Have any of you seen a toa-" I stopped when I saw who occupied this compartment. All my earlier anger boiled up in me again and this time when I swung, no one stopped me as I slapped Malfoy hard across the face. Big mistake!

Two big, muscular kids behind him, advanced on me. One grabbed me around the middle and the other punch me in the stomach. I kicked the one hilding me hard in the shin abd he dropped me with a grunt. I scrambled to my feet clutching my stomach.

"Not so tough now are you?You should think next time before you hang out with Weasleys! You probably already noticed that they have too many children to afford. This is Crabbe and Goyle by the way. I met them earlier in the train. It isn't to late to change your mind and be friend with me instead of Weasl-" I pulled my wand from my pocket, but never got to use it. Hermione was standing in the doorway.

I guessed that she had used "silencio" on him because Malfoy seemed to be screaming, but no sound was coming out. He pointed at me and Crabbe and Goyle began to advance.

"Well, bye!" I told them cheerfully and Hermione and I laughed all the way back down to our compartment.

Neville returned a little while later looking glum. Apparently he had had no luck in findin his toad.

"Thanks for helping me guys," he gave us a small smile,"My Gran is going to kill me," he added, more to himself than us.

"We should change into our robes. We will be there soon," Hermione saud to me watching him leave. I nodded and went to go get Grace and my trunk.

Harry smiled at me when I entered, but Ron started to tell me how annoying and bossy Hermione was.

"Shut up Ron! She is actually really nice! Better than you anyway!" I stomped out with my stuff.

I managed to compose myself before I opened the compartment containing Hermione. I didn't want her asking questions.

"Ohhh! Is this your owl?" we spent a moment admiring Grace who hooted appreciatively, then changed into our robes.

The train began to slow down and we pressed our faces against the window to try and catch a glimpse of the Hogwarts, which, according to Hermione, is a giant castle. She said it tells you in Hogwarts a History.

I glimpsed what looked like the top of a turret above the trees and smiled. Hermione was right of course.

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