Cauldrons, Brooms, and Bullies

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"Turnips?" I looked at him. "What kind of person offers turnips to people they just meet?"

"People like me," he replied simply looking rather amused.

"Well there can't be many people like you then," I mumbled to where i thought he couldn't hear, but by the look he gave me, I am pretty sure he did.

"Are you Dumbledore?" I asked simply to change the subject.

"I most certainly am. As for your questions, I can only answer some of them, but ask away," that amused expression of his was really startig to annoy me now, but i am not sure why.

"I would really like to know why they," i gestured angrily toward the Crystals, "treated me like dirt for the year I have lived with them!"

He smiled like he knew this was coming and took a minute before answering. I couldn't help but wonder if he was trying to think of a lie to tell me instead of giving a real explanation.

"Well before I tell you that you must know that I was the one who had you moved to this home so you could be with others of your kind. I could not be entirely sure that you were a witch because your other ancestry covers it up well. I set them to the task of discovering if you were a witch or not and tey tried to make you mad, but I can see that it did not work. At least that is what you all thought.

"Three days ago at 9:34 you were rather sad. About what I can not be sure and I can assure you that you need not tell me because it is of little importance."

I was a little hurt that he did thought my sadness was of little importance, but i continued to listen anyway.

"You did not know it, but you caused many stray twigs and leaves outside of your dining room window to levitate and pelt after an extremely surprised delivery boy," he stopped abruptly as if that cleared up the matter. I was still a little confused, but I moved on to my next question.

"Why am I famous?" I asked.

To my surprise his smile faded and he went on to explain how an evil wizard named Voldemort (the Crystals trembled) killed the Potter family, but could not kill their son Harry and brought his own downfall upon himself by attacking this family.

"What does that have to do with me though?" I was fed up with this guy. I hated long answer. All I wanted was short, sweet, straight answers.

"You have always been a danger to the dark lord. He does not fear your kind, but someone that is both a demigod and a witch is something that he should be afraid of. That is not why you are famous though because no one besides the Crystals here and me know of your godly side. The reason you are famous is because Voldemort went after you too. You were already in fostor care at the time and that family had left you alone in the house. He went after you before Harry, but when he tried to kill you his power was greatly weakened. After you and Harry, well I believe two times was just too much."

"Now if you are out of questions for now I will take you to get your stuff and then take you to the family you will be staying with for the remainder of the summer."

As frustrated as I was with him I really wanted to get my stuff, particularly a wand. I allowed him to lead me out the door. I didn't feel up to saying bye to a family that mistreated me for a year. Dumbledore seemed to understand this as he didn't look surprised.

"We would not normally be allowed to apparate, but being me has it's privelages so i must ask you to take my arm," he told me as soon as the door closed behind us.

I slowly reached my arm towards his, unsure of what would happen when they met. Quite suddenly, as soon as our arms touched, I was yanked to the ground. The earth spun around me at 1000 mph. I felt sick.

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