Some Secrets are Shared

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Ares was already waiting for us in the parking lot when we got back. I took one look at his smug face and decided against talking to him.

"You guys go ahead. I've got to do something real quick," I told them.

"What exactly are you going to do?" Annabeth asked me suspiciously.

"I just need a minute alone. That's all," I turned and walked away without waiting for an answer.

The shadow that I had seen. The statue. What did they mean? Did they have something to do with me or was it merely an insane coincidence?

There is no such thing as coincidence. How can there be? There is only prophecy and fate. I am viewed as something special. A demiwitch. If I'm not the only one then I am one of few. Whether it is a gift or not is yet to be seen. It is almost impossible to build friendships on lies. Especially when one is your own brother. I can't tell Harry, Ron, and Hermione about me being a demigod anymore than I can tell Percy, Annabeth, and Grover about Hogwarts.

So what if I am special? Where did the shadow and the statue fit into all of this? The questions were killing me. I was starting to understand Hermione and Annabeth a little better. The constant thirst for knowledge was rather overwhelming and I was afraid that if I didn't have any answers soon, then the emptiness would burst inside me, creating a hole that only information could get me out of.

My head was spinning and I leaned against the wall of the diner clutching at my head.

11/14/2000........ My birthday. A statue and a shadow painting. Both were upset. Scared. Both were amidst other things similar yet different. Medusa's statues were real people that she had collected over the years, but the girl with my birth date on it seemed less real. I don't know how I could tell, but it seemed more like an ordinary statue. It was almost as if something were alive inside it............. The shadow was the opposite. The paintings around it were completely fake. Merely blue coloring, but the dark one seemed real. It had disappeared after all.

"Kasey!" Percy called, "Zoo express!"

He was pointing to a truck that had a sign that read: WARNING: LIVE WILD ANIMALS. I nodded and headed towards it. I'm not surprised though. Leave it to Ares to give us the worst ride west he could think up in his ridiculously punkish brain.

We slipped inside and settled in around the animals which turned out to be an albino lion, a zebra, and some weird antelope thing as Percy refers to it as. Closing the doors behind us, we waiting for the ride ahead.

I noticed Percy was wearing a backpack that he hadn't been wearing before,"Oh! Free stuff!"

"It's from Ares," Percy said disgustedly.

"Ugh," I flung it aside and lay down a fair distance from the lion.

"My mom's alive," Percy told me suddenly. The comment hurt me. His mom. He didn't mean it as an insult. He probably just forgot, but that didn't change the fact that I never knew her and I wouldn't get to. She was his mom no matter what and it could never be real for me even if we tried. Hogwarts and Camp Half-Blood were the closest thing to home I had and that would most likely never change.

"That's great!" I was happy to hear that she was alive however. Percy deserved his mom back.

After that we sat in silence for awhile. Grover curled up and fell asleep, Annabeth got the bag from Ares and opened up a bag of Oreos from inside and Percy merely stared off into space.

"I'm sorry for freaking out back there Percy," Annabeth said finally.

"That's okay," Percy replied. Annabeth shuddered.

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