The Burrow

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The twins eyes widened. They began to tell their mother about how They found me hanging out with Malfoy.

"They are probably dating!" one screamed at his mother.

"We refuse to help her carry her stuff!" the other yelled.

"SHUT UP!" Their mother yelled. I was quite glad by this, because I really don't like where this is going. Me date Malfoy? That will never happen!

"I would never date Malfoy! He is a git! Just like yourselves! So shut up already!" I yelled at them. They stared at me in shock.

"Come on dear. Sorry about them. They can get a bit worked up sometimes. I am Molly Weasley by the way," she motioned for me to follow her inside and because I have had enough people staring at me for a day, I followed her.

"And you two! Bring her bags to Ginny's room now!" she yelled back out the door before letting it swing shut.

"I'm Kasey Grace. Sorry I yelled back there. I just got upset because Malfoy is a jerk, and I was upset that they thought that I was not only like him, but dating him?" I shuddered at the thought.

"That is quite all right dear. They deserve a good shouting once in awhile," she replied.

"I'll introduce you to the rest of the house and then show you to your room. Mr. Weasley won't be home for some time, and you have already met Fred and George," she began leading me up a flight of rickety looking stairs that I was slightly afraid to walk on.

Mrs. Weasley knocked in a door near the very top of the house. After a moment another red head boy appeared. He was skinny and tall for his age, but looked nice enough.

"This is Kasey. Introduce yourself and show her around will you? I must get started on supper," with that she turned on her heel and trotted back down the stairs.

The boy looked shyly at me and held out his hand.

"I'm Ron. I will be starting my first year at Hogwarts too. Would you like to see where you are sleeping?" he asked me.

"All right. I'm Kasey Grace by the way," I know Mrs. Weasley already told him my name, but I felt he should hear it from me.

He stared at me, his eyes bulging.

"The Kasey Grace? Wow!" he looked positively awestruck.

"SO!" I said loudly. I hate when that much attention is on me, "How about showing me my room now?"

"Oh. Right. Follow me," I noticed the tips of his ears turned red as he turned around and set of towards the stairs.

I started down the stairs after Ron. He was talking to me, but I wasn't really paying any attention. I was excited to be living here, but I wondered what it would be like if i still lived with my mother.


We were halfway down a hallway when a door suddenly flew open and hit me full in the face. I wobbled and fell over on my backside.

"Oh! Sorry, didn't mean to!" an older looking boy with the same flaming red hair as the rest of his family has, hurried to help me up.

"I am Percy by the way! I am in ny fifth year at Hogwarts and I am a Prefect!" he reached down and straightened a shiny badge on his chest with a large "P" on it.

He headed towards the stairs without another word, looking at his badge all the way. I raised my eyebrows.

"A little full of himself is he?" I asked Ron. He burst out laughing.

"Trust me, he gets loads worse than this!" he told me with a grin. He led me down to the next door and knocked.

This time a small girl appeared. She had the same color hair as the others and a considerable amount of freckles all over her body. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"This is Ginny," Ron told me,"You will be staying in her room while you are here as she is the only girl. She is quite shy, but she will open up as you get to know her. Well, I gotta run. See you later!" he called from halfway down the hallway.

"Ummm..... Hi!" I gave her a small wave which she returned.

"The twins brought in your stuff. It is on your bed," she said in a small voice. She was pointing to a quilted, plush looking bed on the lefthand side of the room.

"Thanks!" I said. I started unpacking my trunk.

"Need any h-" she started to say, but was interripted my a loud boom.

She sighed.

"That'll be the twins again. Come on! Let's go see what's going on. The blow up things all the time, but mum hates it. No matter what she does, she can't make them stop," she informed me as we hurried toward the source of the sound.

As we got closer, I could hear Mrs. Weasley shouting at the twins. I would be surprised if anyone within a mile couldn't hear her screaming.

I covered my ears as we entered the room that occupied the twins and Mrs. Weasley. I could still hear her clearly through my fingers though so it didn't take any effort at all to listen.


"Now would be a good time to apologize to our guest," she glanced sternly at the twins who looked quite amused through the whole thing.

"You are most certainly right mum!" one said.

"We apologize greatly for our misbehavior my lady," the other said and they both swept into dramatic bows.

"We just got the wrong idea," they said together. I giggled. They grinned at each other like they were surprised that it had worked.

"I am Fred by the way," one told me.

"I'm George," the identical one told me. I couldn't tell them apart. Every single little thing about their appearance was the same. I shook my head, trying to think of something to tell one from the other.

"Supper's ready!" Mrs. Weasley called.

I found that she was an excellent cook and far from not getting enough food, I thought that I would explode from eating too much.

Mr. Weasley came in later, and after discovering that I have lived with muggles before, asked me how a bicycle works.

I had a very enjoyable night playing exploding snap with Ginny, Ron, Fred, and George. Ron even tried to teach me wizard chess, but he beat me in no less than three minutes.

As I climbed into bed that night my only thought was that this was how a family ought to be. And for once in my life, I felt like I belonged somewhere.

Listening to the steady rythem of Ginny's breathing beside me, I drifted of to sleep.

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