Nice Evening Stroll

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After Mal and Evie left, Erin pulled her favorite romance novel off the shelf and sat on her bed, happy to have a little downtime for herself. Hours went by and she slowly drifted from reading and understanding every word to blankly staring at the same page for the longest time. She couldn't really focus on the words she was reading, too preoccupied with her conversation with Mal and Evie. Mal had fallen silent after Evie's comment about redecorating their room. And her question about her grandfather's trident was bizarre. It also didn't help that Carlos was all too quick to deflect. Mal seemed pretty adamant about talking about Fairy Godmother's wand too. 

Erin shook her head, ridding herself of those thoughts. She didn't want to jump to any conclusions; It wouldn't be fair or right. Her mind was free for only a moment before thoughts on the proclamation bombarded her. She hoped with all her being that the VKs adapted nicely to their new surroundings, and she hoped that the inhabitants of Auradon would be open-minded about the idea.

Somehow, those thoughts morphed into images of a certain thief that caught Erin's eye. She couldn't deny that she found him attractive. But the way he acted and held himself led Erin to believe he was capable of getting any girl he wanted. He probably had a reputation for such a thing back on the Isle. He was most definitely a casanova, and Erin was positive he knew what he was doing when it came to charming any lady.

Thankfully, Erin was pulled from her reverie before her thoughts could overwhelm her too much. Taylor had barged through the door, her face as red as a tomato. The infamous Tinkerbell temper shining through no doubt. 

"Ugh! It's not fair!" She screeched. She was wearing a mid-thigh version of her mother's signature green dress with matching green heels. Taylor's blonde hair was up in a styled bun and her bangs framed her face, her wings were easily on display, fluttering wildly.

"What's wrong?" Erin asked calmly.

Taylor turned to Erin so fast, Erin got whiplash just from watching. "What's wrong?! Everything!" Tay exclaimed.

"Tell me."

Taylor's wings fluttered behind her as she tried to calm down. After taking a deep breath, in a calmer tone, she said, "I found this beautiful, ginormous emerald, and Fairy Godmother caught me with it and told me to put it in the museum."

The fairy's temper flared again as she exclaimed, "It's not fair! Why should I?!"

"Emerald? As in the rare gem that can only be found in the diamond mines that Doug's father and uncles used to work in?"

Taylor nodded. "Yeah! Can you believe her?!"

"You know the mines are a historic landmark, right? No one has been down there in years, they're closed off. How'd you even get in?"

Taylor looked around sheepishly. "I may or may not have shrunk myself and flew through a little space in the boards," she said meekly.

Erin incredulously stared at the small girl. "Are you crazy?! The mine could have collapsed on you! You could have gotten trapped, and no one knew where you were!"

"I'm sorry! I had to see what was down there!"

Erin huffed and closed her book, knowing it was no use in trying to read anymore- she'd already given up. "You have to do what Fairy Godmother says. That gem doesn't belong to you."

"I thought you'd be on my side!" Taylor exclaimed. "We always have so much fun finding lost things together."

"This isn't a lost thing and you very well knew what you were doing. The gem didn't just wash up on the beach, Tay."

Taylor pouted. "But, Rin..."

"No, buts. We're taking it to the museum. Now," Erin said authoritatively.

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