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"How was your date?" Taylor asked. She and Erin were just leaving their dorm, ready for another day of school. Erin wore her medium-length red hair down in natural waves that cascaded to the middle of her shoulder-blades. Taylor was sporting a light green sparkling off-the-shoulder dress that hugged her curves at the top before splaying out slightly at the skirt, stopping just above her knee. And of course, she was wearing matching heels.

Erin smiled, the event from yesterday swarming her thoughts. "It was really fun. We danced, sat on the beach, watched the sunset. I had a great time, and I think Jay did too. I didn't get the chance to ask."

"I know, sleepyhead. He carried you into the room," Taylor teased, making Erin roll her eyes. "But all things considered, I think he had a really good time. I practically had to shove him out the door."

"Now, why don't I believe you?"

Taylor shrugged nonchalantly. "Believe what you want, but girl, that boy is smitten."

Erin blushed at Tay's words. The fairy saw and giggled at her friend's expense, and Erin easily joined in. "Hey, ladies," Evie said, walking up to the pair while Mal trailed behind. "What's so funny?"

"Erin. She blushes way too easily," Taylor teased, laughter still in her voice.

"Gee, thanks, Tay," Erin replied sarcastically.

"You know it's true."

Erin sent Taylor a playful sneer. Evie giggled at her new friends' playful exchange. "What made Erin blush this time?"

"What else?"

"Jay," Evie and Taylor said in unison before bursting into another fit of giggles. Erin groaned and bent her head down, trying to hide her flushed face with her hair. This only made Evie and Taylor laugh more.

"Alright, reel it in, girls," Mal said, coming to Erin's rescue. As their laughter died down- slowly- Erin lifted her head. Evie and Taylor hugged her as a sign of good faith, saying they meant no harm. Erin knew that, of course, but Tay was right, she blushed way too easily.

"So, Red, Jay told us how much fun he had on your date," Mal added, a small smirk decorating her features.

Despite her best efforts, Erin became flush as she smiled at the thought of Jay talking about her. Quickly recovering, she replied, "Oh, well, I'm glad he had a good time. I was a little worried."

"Oh, please. I almost got a headache from how much he raved about you and the date you planned for him," Mal stated, rubbing her temples for dramatic effect.

Evie lightly swatted her arm and said, "Oh, stop. It was adorable. The singing, the dancing, the carriage ride. How romantic!"

"How was your date with Ben, Mal?" Erin asked, getting the attention away from her.

The purple-haired girl just shrugged nonchalantly and replied, "It was good."

"That's it?!" Taylor exclaimed at a loss. Mal just offered another shrug and Erin could tell that the attention and talking about her feelings was overwhelming her.

She placed a hand on Taylor's arm and said, "Tay, she said she had a good time. We can leave it at that."

Taylor huffed, her wings fluttered exasperatedly while Erin soothingly rubbed her back. Looking over at Mal, she was sending Erin a subtle relieved smile. "Well," Erin chimed, "I have to get to the library to gather sources for my history paper, and Taylor, you have class."

"Fine," Tay groaned. Then, she perked up and cheered, "Bye, guys!"

Taylor's mood swings made Erin chuckle and shake her head. The fairy was defeated one minute and in the next, she was happily fluttering away to class. Evie laughed at Tay's antics too and even Mal cracked a small smile.

Descendants: A Jay Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now