Chemistry Pays Off

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The next day, Erin was overly bubbly and excited. Everything was right with the world and she couldn't contain her happiness. She even opted to wear a skirt today! Tying her hair into a high elegant ponytail, letting her bangs frame her face, Erin was ready for the day.

The weather was beautiful. It was warm, the sun was shining. And Erin could've sworn the birds were singing more. Nothing, not even a chemistry test, could dampen such a wonderful day. And that's exactly where Erin was, in Chemistry class, waiting for the test to begin. Doug was sitting next to her, doing some last-minute review while Erin was just doodling to keep her mind calm.

Evie strutted in as bubbly as ever. Upon seeing Erin's familiar red hair, she bounced to greet her. After coming around the table and placing her purse down at her seat, Evie hugged Erin around her neck from behind and excitedly stated, "Last night was so fun! You did an awesome job setting it up!"

Erin laughed and hugged Evie's arms. "Awe! Thanks! But Tony really put everything together. I just made a call."

"Oh, don't be modest," Evie cheered. Then, she got a look at Erin's outfit and asked, "I'm sorry, but are you wearing a skirt?!"

Erin cringed at Evie's close proximity to her ear. But she giggled and replied, "Yes, I am. Today felt special."

"You look amazing!" Evie exclaimed while pulling Erin out of her chair in order to see her as a whole.

"Thanks," Erin said bashfully. Doug looked at both girls happily. He'd never seen Erin wear a skirt or dress unless it was for a formal party. She was becoming more confident, and Doug didn't think that was possible, knowing how confident she was already. And his growing affections for Evie were increasing by the second, seeing how kind she was to Erin.

Evie smirked knowingly. "This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain boy, would it?"

A blush rose to Erin's cheeks and she quickly looked down to hide it from Evie, but that just answered the bluette's question more.

All of them were too involved in each other to realize that Chad took something out of Evie's purse. Nor did they see him give it to Mr. Deley who happily took it- out for blood. It was no secret that he didn't approve of the VKs being here. And he felt Ben was wasting everyone's time and putting Auradon in danger. He knew the girl's answer was suspicious, and now he had proof.

Soon enough, it was time to start class. "Alright, students, put your materials away. Keep out a pencil or pen while I pass out the test."

Evie hugged Erin one last time before bouncing to her seat. Erin prepared a pencil and eraser as Mr. Deley handed her a blank test. She thanked him and began.

While Erin and Doug soared through the test, they heard Evie rummaging through her purse for something. It was a little distracting, but Evie was relentless. "Looking for something?" Mr. Deley asked from the front of the class as he held up a compact mirror. Evie snapped her purse shut, and Erin's brows furrowed as she wondered what the big deal was.

"Thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see someone still respects the honor code," Mr. Deley praised. Then, he sternly looked at Evie and stated, "It will be my recommendation that you are expelled."

"Mr. Deley, I-"

"But that isn't fair," Doug interrupted, "Obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that.... Whatever it is."

"It's called a magic mir-"

"You're not helping. Stop," Erin chided quietly, causing Evie to shrink down.

Doug sighed and continued, "Maybe she needed another pencil."

"Actually, I was-"

Turning on Evie, Doug demanded, "Really, don't help." Then, he faced Mr. Deley and pleaded, "Please."

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