Cookie Love Spell

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"Thanks for telling me, Tay," Erin said, "I don't know what I'm gonna do. But I'm sure it'll come to me." Taylor nodded and hugged her best friend, and Erin happily hugged back. Taylor had just finished telling Erin about last night in the kitchen between Jay and Lonnie. The red-head didn't understand where Jay's head was at, but she really didn't have a right to say anything. She and Jay were just friends, and sometimes she felt like they were more like mere acquaintances than anything else. They rarely spoke, and when they did, it was fun and flirty, nothing else. If he wanted to flirt with every princess in Auradon, let him. That was the whole reason Erin was so keen on protecting herself.

But then again, she couldn't help but feel that everything he'd said to her was all a lie. Telling her she was different, being so courteous, understanding her clumsy side. When she was with him, Erin felt safe and understood. He never judged her for tripping over her own feet, and he was always there to catch her if she fell. Conversation flowed easily between them, and they had fun. So, what changed? Was it really all a lie? A game for him? That would hurt Erin more than anything if he was just toying with her. She didn't deserve that. No one did.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Taylor asked as the two girls continued walking away from Erin's locker.

Erin shrugged and held her books to her chest. "Eventually, I'm sure. I just have to accept the fact that I may never get the answers I want."

"I'm sorry, Rin. I know how much he was starting to mean to you," Taylor soothed while rubbing Erin's back.

"It was fun, I won't deny that. But we've only had a few conversations, barely scraping the friendzone for lack of a better term."

Taylor tried not to laugh, but she broke out into a fit of giggles, and Erin easily joined in. They weren't the only ones giggling though. Looking around, Taylor and Erin realized that nearly every princess had a new hairdo. "Mal," they said in unison.

"You don't think she'll get in trouble, do you?" Taylor asked.

Erin huffed. "I don't think she cares."

They shared a look before continuing on to their next class. Their journey took them towards Ben's locker, which was only a few down from Mal's. Taylor and Erin rounded the corner by Ben's locker, seeing he was there with Audrey. At the same time, Mal rounded the opposite corner by her locker. She looked like a girl on a mission, and Erin and Taylor stood off to the side, having some time to spare before class.

"Look, it's Mal," one of the princesses below the balcony exclaimed. "Hi, Mal! Love my hair, Mal!" The violet-haired sorceress waved at them before opening her locker, keeping an eye on Ben and Audrey.

"What's she up to?" Taylor asked.

Erin shrugged. "Maybe, she's jealous. I told you there was something between her and Ben, remember?"

"Yeah. Oh, would you look who it is?" Taylor commented, seeing Jay round the corner and lean on the lockers next to Mal.

Erin sighed. "He goes to school here, and he's friends with Mal. We're bound to run into him."

"What do you think they're talking about?"

"No idea."

"I could shrink down and find out," Taylor suggested mischievously.

Erin gave Taylor a stern look, but a small amused smile adorned her face. "No, don't you dare. It's none of our business."

Taylor held her hands up in surrender before looking back towards Mal and Jay. She smirked and asked, "Then, why did he just look at you?"

Erin glanced at Jay to find that Taylor was right- he was staring at her. She quickly averted her gaze and released a deep breath. "Tay, please. I can't afford to assume anything."

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