The Aftermath

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The VKs were sitting at a picnic table in front of the school. Everyone looked solemn. And no one knew nor had the energy to pick the others up. Erin was with them still trapped in her mind despite Jay holding her as close as humanly possible. She could practically smell the rotting fish guts that haunted her memories. She felt fear gripping her heart like it did when she nearly drowned. But worst of all, the deafening sounds of cruel hysterical laughter filled her ears. She barely registered Jay rubbing her arm or whispering reassurances into her hair as she leaned her head on his shoulder. She barely registered the fact that Audrey and a bunch of other kids from their class were at an adjacent table. And she barely registered Ben's sudden presence.

"Hey guys," he greeted. "How is everyone?" Jay and Carlos looked up at him incredulously at his dumb question. Ben cleared his throat and kept up his confident exterior. "Yeah?"

He began to walk around the table, getting a look at everyone's face when his eyes landed on Erin. It was clear to see that she was in her own world, staring blankly at nothing at all.

"Hey, forget about it. Alright?" Ben tried. But that was easier said than done. "It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go. Tomorrow, after the Coronation, I promise everything will be okay."

He had stopped behind Mal and placed his hands on her shoulders. None of them believed him and honestly his words weren't the least bit reassuring. "I have to go," he whispered into Mal's ear after bending down slightly.

Then, he leaned back up and said, "I'll see you guys later." After giving Mal's shoulders a final squeeze, Ben was on his way.

"Erin!" A high-pitched voice chimed. Erin recognized Taylor's voice right away. But she didn't have the energy to move. "Oh, I've been looking everywhere for you guys!" She exclaimed, standing at the head of the table and trying to catch her breath. Her eyes landed on Erin and her heart shattered, seeing her friend's broken state.

"Oh, Rin," she breathed empathetically. Erin didn't spare her a glance, but Jay did before looking back at the redhead in his arms. He caressed her cheek, tucking a stray hair behind her ear, and softly suggested, "Why don't you go with Taylor back to your room?"

"Okay," Erin whispered. But she made no move to get up. Taylor bit her lip in worry, having never seen Erin in such a state. Jay looked up at her and they shrugged at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Hey, Rin. Your family wanted to say bye before they left. They may be heading to our room as we speak. Do you wanna go see them?" Taylor asked.

"Sure," Erin whispered again. And again she made no move to get up. Jay tightened his arms around her small frame and kissed her hair as he closed his eyes and released a breath through his nose.

"Hey, Red," Mal chimed. Erin hummed but didn't meet Mal's bright green eyes. "Erin, look at me."

Hearing Mal's serious yet gentle tone, Erin finally stopped staring at nothing and met Mal's gaze. Mal took the opportunity to speak her mind. "I don't know what's going on in that mind of yours. Clearly, Chad's words struck a chord. But he was wrong. You are no freak. You're beautiful."

"And kind," Evie added.

Carlos nodded. "And smart." Dude barked in agreement, bringing the smallest smile to Erin's face.

"You're the best friend a girl could ask for," Taylor said happily.

"And no matter what anyone says," Jay interjected, "You are loved."

Erin's smile grew ever so slightly as she looked around at all her new friends. They helped her get out of her mind. "Thanks, guys. He was wrong about you guys too. And I'm sorry-"

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