Set it Off

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The after-party was in full swing. Everyone was dancing and singing as they celebrated their new king. Fireworks of blue and gold exploded in the air as the music flowed through the night. To make it easier to dance, the ladies were wearing shorter versions of their Coronation gowns.

"I can't believe you helped put this together," Jay said over the loud music. "This is awesome!"

"Thanks! Glad you're having fun!"

"Are you ready?" Jay asked, bringing Erin into a loose hug.

Erin smiled smugly. "Are you?"

Jay chuckled and leaned down, capturing Erin's lips in his. "Let's do this."


"Oh, oh, yeah," Mal sang as Ben was carried towards the stage in a regal yet fun manner. "Oh, yeah, yeah."

Evie smiled at her best friend. "Let's set it off," she belted while raising her arm in the air. "Oh yeah. You can make it happen."

"Oh, eh, oh, eh, hey!" Everyone chorused.

The crowd parted, allowing Ben to step forward in all his glory. Spreading his arms out with a large grin, he sang, "Kings and Queens, it's our time to rise. Write the book, story of our lives. This is us taking back the night."

"Oh, eh, oh, eh!" The crowd sang as they danced about.

Mal skipped towards Ben and sang, "Break the spell, we were born this way. Be yourself, forget the DNA. Everybody raise your hands and say..."

"Oh, eh, oh, eh," Everyone finished while clapping.

As one, everyone chorused, "Sound the alarm, get on your feet. Let's set it off and rock this beat. Dance till your heart is wild and free. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh."

Evie had flounced forward to the front of the group, dancing with Doug. "Feeling the power, let it all out. Like what you see in the mirror, shout. We got the keys, the kingdom's ours. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh, eh, oh, eh."

"Let's set it off! Oh, yeah. Start a chain reaction, and never let it stop. Let's set it off! Oh, yeah. You can make it happen with everything you got. Let's set it off!" Mal, Ben, Evie, and Doug were dancing together before breaking off with their respective partners.

"Get ready, set it off. We got to set it off. Get ready, set it off. Oh, eh, oh, eh."

Erin laughed as she and Jay danced. While he was spinning her around, her eyes caught on to Jane sitting by herself. Erin smirked, a plan formulating in her head. She grabbed Carlos who was dancing nearby.

"Follow me," she shouted over everyone's singing. Then she skipped over to Jane and sat next to her, pulling her into a friendly hug.

The boys followed soon after. "Yo, it's time to set this thing off. Let's make it happen now," they rapped. Carlos sat next to Jane on the other side while Jay held onto Erin's shoulders. "I'm 'a make my own future, ignore all the rumors. Show 'em how passion sound."

Carlos guided her up, and Jay skipped around to hold her other hand. "They all told me I should back down. Judgin' me 'cause of my background. Thinkin' 'bout changing my path now. Nah, I ain't goin' out like that now."

They spun Jane before Carlos took her hand again and led her to the main dance floor. Jay gave Carlos a low-five in congratulations while Erin used Jay's shoulder as an armrest. She winked at him, making him chuckle. Just then, Taylor paraded towards the couple.

"Feeling the power, let it all out. Like what you see in the mirror, shout," she sang while playfully tearing Erin away from Jay who couldn't help but chuckle.

"We got the keys, the kingdom's ours," Ben sang.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!" Everyone chorused as Erin and Taylor danced together. Then Jay swooped in and picked Erin up from her waist, stealing her back from Taylor. It was her turn to laugh as she found someone else to dance with.

"Let's set it off! Oh, yeah. Start a chain reaction, and never let it stop. Let's set it off! Oh, yeah. You can make it happen with everything you got. Let's set it off!"

With their respective partners, everyone continued to dance as the song neared a close. "Get ready, set it off. We got to set it off. Get ready, set it off. We got to set it off. Get ready, set it off. We got to set it off. Get ready, set it off."

"3, 2, 1," the Dj counted down as Ben was close to kissing Mal. But she turned her head at the last minute with a bashful smile. Then they ran in opposite directions, and there was a lull in the lyrics but not the beat as everyone continued their choreographed routine.

"Oh, oh, yeah!" Mal belted out after meeting back up with Ben at the second-level balcony.

"Let's set it off! Oh, yeah," Ben sang, able to be heard over everyone else.

While everyone continued to dance below, Mal sang, "Start a chain reaction, and never let it stop."

"Let's set it off! Oh, yeah. You can make it happen with everything you got. Let's set it off! Get ready, set it off. We got to set it off. Get ready, set it off. We got to set it off!" Everyone had bowed to their new king as fireworks burst in the air. They cheered, and Jay lifted Erin, spinning her around as they laughed. As he set her down, the music changed to a slower beat. On autopilot, Erin wrapped her arms around Jay's neck while his hands rested on her waist. They swayed to the music, lost in each other's eyes.

"I have a question," Jay started.


"After everything, I can't believe you still want to be with me. And what's more surprising is that your dad didn't kill me. Or Aiden for that matter. I really am sorry, Rin."

A small, reassuring smile adorned Erin's lips. "I know you are. My dad was right, it took a lot of courage to do what you guys did. You are entirely forgiven. Now, what's this question you wanted to ask?"

Jay sighed, steeling his buzzing nerves. "I care about you, so much. And now that I'm saying that, it doesn't begin to describe my feelings for you. Erin, I love you. I have never felt the way I feel, the way you make me feel, and I know for a fact that I love you with all my heart, and I can't imagine having these feelings for anyone else but you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

The girl's smile spread from ear to ear, and she held his face in her hands. "Jay, nothing would make me happier. Of course, I'll be your girlfriend."

Jay let out a single breathy laugh, a broad, excited smile was on his face before he leaned in for a tender, loving kiss. They quickly melted into one another as they drew impossibly closer.

When they separated, they rested their foreheads on one another's, their breaths mingling. "Besides," Erin started, "You have yet to tell me how you stole my apple from my backpack before Tourney practice all that time ago."

Jay chuckled, lifting his head to gaze into Erin's eyes, and he started to sway once more. He playfully said, "Ooh, sorry, princess. I may be a reformed thief thanks to you, but I still gotta keep some things to myself, you know?"

"I know that I'm in love with you," Erin said from the bottom of her heart. "I started to feel the way I feel after our date, and seeing you with my family, especially Aiden, the feelings only grew. And then today, when we found out your love for me through this beautiful ring saved us from Maleficent, I knew you felt the same way. But I was still scared to say anything because I didn't wanna push you away, or scare you off. But then you said-"

Jay cut off her nervous ramble by crashing his lips onto hers, and he felt her muscles immediately relax. "You could never scare me away. I love you."

"I love you," she whispered before bringing Jay down for another kiss.


LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!!

Who's ready for the sequel?!?!?!?!?!



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