Championship Game

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"Ohayohay!" The crowd was going absolutely nuts. Everyone was decked out in blue and yellow, the school colors, except for Mal and Evie. Erin stood at the top of the bleachers with Taylor on her left and Evie on her right. Then, it was Mal and Lonnie. Taylor, Evie, and Lonnie were super into the game while Mal didn't participate, preferring to stick to her indifference. And Erin was a little out of it after her conversation with Jay. That and Tourney games weren't really her thing. But she had to admit that this game was exciting.

"This is a nail-biter, folks," the announcer said, "There's 47 seconds left on the clock. We're all tied up. The Sherwood Falcons, two. The Fighting Knights, two. What a game between Auradon's fiercest rivals."

Jay and Carlos had been sitting the entire game, and despite her feelings towards Jay at the moment, Erin knew that Coach needed Jay in to give the Knights an advantage. Chad hadn't been taken out the entire game, and after taking a quick drink he punched Jay on the shoulder in a friendly manner, exchanging encouraging words. Afterward, Chad ran back out on the field.

As the teams got in their huddles, Erin's eyes wandered to the bench, seeing Coach turn to Jay and say, "You're up." Erin couldn't help the excitement bubble in her chest as he handed Jay a stick. They could actually win! Then, Jay did something that both surprised her and made her proud. He lifted Carlos off of the bench, asking Coach to put him in as well. Like Erin, Coach Jenkins was hesitant, and Carlos was even more reluctant as he weaseled out of Jay's hold, sitting back down. But, Jay wouldn't have it, picking Carlos back up by his jersey. Whatever Jay said convinced the coach to put Carlos in.

Coach huffed and faced the field, and he yelled, "Ameer!"

The player hustled to the sideline as Jay pushed Carlos onto the field before following closely behind. "He's bringing that hothead Jay in from the Isle of the Lost and that little guy Carlos can barely hold a shield," the announcer narrated. Erin huffed and crossed her arms, not likely how quickly everyone is to judge these guys.

"That was rude," Taylor commented.

"Tell me about it."

Evie and Mal were beyond excited for their friends- Mal actually had a genuine smile on her face. They were used to the judgment and would rather focus on the positive right now. Besides, with all the excitement and the roaring crowd, it was hard to get caught up in what the announcer was saying.

Each team broke from their huddles and got set. When the whistle blew, Jay and a member from the other team met in the middle of the Kill Zone, fighting for control of the ball. Jay won and passed the ball to Ben after flipping his opponent over his back. A Falcon was coming in to steal the ball from Ben, but Carlos blocked the player and then proceeded to do a little victory jig, rubbing it in the downed player's face.

Jay got the ball back, making his way through the Kill Zone. He did an impressive hurdling maneuver to avoid being hit all while keeping control of the ball. Then, he passed it to Ben before fully getting out of the Kill Zone. As Jay made it out of the Kill Zone towards the goal, Ben tried to pass it back to Jay, but he was surrounded by Falcons. But Chad made a big block, freeing Jay up for a pass. Ben went wide before passing it to Jay in the middle. Everyone erupted into cheers, seeing Jay make a shot at the goal. But the goalkeeper blocked it, and the Knights' fans collectively groaned while the Falcons erupted into relieved cheers.

The teams set back up, waiting for the goalie to hit the ball out onto the field. Anticipation and nerves were at an all-time high. "23 seconds left. You could cut the tension with a sword," the announcer said.

He wasn't wrong. Erin was practically biting her nails. Taylor slapped her hand away a few times. "Sorry, this is stressful."

"You better be sorry. I painted those!" Taylor whined. Erin playfully rolled her eyes and Tay laughed and nudged her taller friend. Taylor painted Erin's nails a few nights ago. They were a pretty aqua color, complimenting Erin's usual ensemble.

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