Midnight Snack

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So, so sorry for my lack of action!!!!!!!! Here's the next chapter! I'll be better! Thanks for reading, my Guppies!



Knock, knock, knock. No answer. Knock, knock, knock, knock. Erin groaned, coming out of her accidental slumber. Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock! She shot up after hearing somebody knocking on her door. Looking around in her hazy state, she saw Taylor still passed out on her bed. Then, she noticed her homework paper was stuck to her cheek. The knocking didn't subside as she ripped the paper off and wiped the drool off of her face. She had no idea what time it was, but why was anybody knocking on her door?

Opening it, she saw Ben's smiling face, and the light from the hallway made her cringe. But it also told her it was still daytime. "What's up?" She asked groggily.

"You look tired."

Erin sneered. "Gee, thanks. I fell asleep while doing homework. What can I do for you?"

"I just checked in on Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay. Thought I'd stop by and say hi to you and Taylor."

"Well, Taylor's asleep," Erin said, pointing behind her at the passed-out fairy. "Been that way since we got back from hanging out with Mal, Evie, Lonnie, and Jane. But, I'll tell her you stopped by. Thanks."

Ben nodded. "How was girl time?"

"Ben..." Erin started, holding a cautionary hand up. "We're friends and I like you, but if you ever say that again, you'll be pinched by a crab."

"Noted," Ben replied with a chuckle. "But you had fun?"

"Yeah, they're really great. Jane and Lonnie are warming up to them too. But that could also be because Mal did their hair."


Erin playfully punched Ben's shoulder. "You're so smart. They should make you king someday."

Ben laughed before turning serious. "Sooner than you think."

"How are you doing?" Erin asked, genuinely concerned for her friend's well-being. His playful demeanor immediately vanished.

"As good as can be expected," Ben replied with a shrug. "It probably doesn't help that my first proclamation is so controversial."

"No, I'm sure. But the best rulers make the hardest decisions, and he or she stands by them no matter what, all while following his or her heart."

Ben smiled. "Where'd you hear that?"

"My grandfather," Erin replied, smiling at the memory. "Just follow your heart, Ben. That's all you can ask of yourself in times of division. Everything else will fall into place eventually."

"Thanks, Rin."

Erin nodded. "Anytime."

They bid each other good-bye, and Erin closed the door before walking back to her desk to finish her homework. But no sooner than she sat down another knock sounded on the door. She quietly groaned as she stood.

"Seriously, Ben," she whispered, not wanting to wake Tay. But when she opened the door, she was surprised to find Jay, smiling proudly. Quickly glancing back to make sure Taylor was still asleep- she was- Erin met Jay in the hallway, leaving her door slightly ajar.

"Hey, what's up?"

Jay didn't say anything and instead pointed at his body. For the first time, Erin noticed he was wearing a Tourney jersey, and she began bouncing on her toes. "Oh my god! This is awesome! You're official!" She exclaimed while holding his shirt to get a better look. Then, she jumped into his arms and cheered, "I'm so happy for you!"

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