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What a perfect picture. Wouldn't you say so? It was literally one of the first images that popped up. We're almost done with this book, my Guppies. Then we'll be onto the second!

Who's excited?! Me!!!!

Tell me what you think! I'd love to hear from you!




"Child, what are you doing?" Fairy Godmother demanded. Jane held the sparking wand in her hands,  unable to control its power. Jay stood in front of Erin and Taylor protectively while Eric did the same with his wife, Tinkerbell, and his other children. Erin and Taylor held onto each other in fear as they watched Jane spin around. Sparks of light shot out in every direction, breaking a few window panes, and making everyone scream and duck down.

"If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself!" Jane rushed out before the wand's power caused her to spin around uncontrollably. "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"

"Take cover!" Adam shouted as Ben ran to stand in front of Mal. But she had other ideas. She charged Jane and fought the wand out of her hands. "Careful, Mal," Belle worriedly said. When Mal finally tore the wand away from Jane, the girl's eyes widened before she ran to the side of the room. Mal was out of breath, but she looked ready to fight.

"Jay?" Erin whispered while clutching his arm. Her eyes were screaming at him to stop this, and he desperately wanted to listen.

Before he could say anything, Ben carefully addressed Mal. "Mal, give me the wand."

"Stand back," she ordered, wand at the ready. Ben had slowly found his way to the steps, in front of his parents and Fairy Godmother.

He barely stepped forward and tried, "It's okay."

"Ben, I said stand back!" Her tone was more demanding this time, making Ben stand down a bit.

"I told you so," Audrey interjected bravely. But Mal turned on her, making the princess shriek and retreat into Chad's arms.

"Jay, please..." Jay sent a regretful look to Erin, mouthing, 'I'm sorry' before running up to Mal. Erin's eyes stung with hot tears, and her throat constricted, seeing him leave. He looked so torn, so distraught by what he felt he needed to do. Erin knew she should have been angry with him for betraying and hurting her, but seeing his broken state, Erin could hear her heart cracking for him.

Evie and Carlos had fled the balcony to join up with their friends. "Let's go!" Carlos urged.

"Revenge time," Jay gritted out. He couldn't stand the pain he was undoubtedly causing, and he refused to look back at Erin. With one look, Jay knew that he would immediately forget about the plan and beg for her forgiveness.

"You really want to do this?" Ben asked.

"We have no choice, Ben!" Mal argued. "Our parents-"

Breaking her promise to Jay, Erin stepped forward and said, "Your parents made their choice. Now you guys make yours."

"Erin," Eric warned, trying to get his daughter back to his side so he could protect her.

Jay spared a glance at the girl he'd come to care for so deeply, but he had to look away. He couldn't stand to see her pained expression. No matter what happened, he didn't deserve her. He never did. Mal didn't take her eyes off of Ben as she said, "I think I want to be good."

Her hands lowered slightly at the realization. "You are good," Ben said.

"How do you know that?" Mal retorted angrily, coming on the defensive once more.

Descendants: A Jay Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now