Increasing Chemistry

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Practice finally ended, and Erin was beyond grateful, she was starving. As she gathered her bag, Jay climbed up the bleachers, having just finished changing into his normal clothes. He stopped a few steps below and said, "Hey, princess. Ready for lunch?"

"Beyond ready," Erin emphasized as she secured her bag on her shoulder. They smiled at each other while Erin descended the steps. But she misjudged one of them and began to fall forward. "Woah!"

Erin squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the harsh impact of metal. But it never came. Opening her eyes, she saw Jay's strong arms wrapped around her, holding her securely to his body. "You okay?" Jay asked, helping her back to her feet.

Taking a few deep breaths, Erin nodded. "Yeah, thank you for saving me."

"Always," Jay said softly, gazing into her crystal blue eyes. "You sure you're okay?"

Erin nodded again. "Yeah, just a little embarrassed. But It's nothing I'm not used to. If you haven't noticed this kind of thing happens a lot."

"Oh, believe me, princess, I've noticed," Jay assured, remembering all of Erin's adorable blunders. "And you don't have to be embarrassed, I think it's cute."

The red-head blushed as they shared a small laugh. Then, Erin cleared her throat, noticing that Jay was still holding her. She gently unwound herself from Jay's arms as she said, "I'm definitely better with a tail."

"So I've heard," Jay said. He cleared his throat, shaking off the weird feeling in his stomach before he offered his arm for Erin to take. "Care to share."

Erin smiled, feeling butterflies swarm in her own stomach at Jay's courteous ways, which surprised her, considering his upbringing. Then again, he was a charming individual. Nevertheless, she rested her hand in the crook of his arm, and he supported her as they descended the bleachers. They walked down in silence. Erin was worried about tripping and embarrassing herself more. While Jay was observing her every move, ensuring that she stayed safe.

When they landed on the grassy ground, they began to walk, and Erin was the first to speak. "When I have a tail and I'm underwater, everything's different. It's peaceful, I love it. I don't have to worry about tripping over my own feet or embarrassing myself. Having a tail feels more... natural."

"How does it work?" Jay asked curiously.

"My grandfather. He uses his trident. That's the only way my siblings and I can grow a tail. My mother too for that matter."

"What about your dad?"

Erin chuckled. "It works for my dad. But he's more comfortable with legs than a tail. He keeps up with us pretty well despite that though."

"What color is it? Your tail?"

"Pink. Melody's is orange. And Aiden's is dark blue."

"Are the colors random?"

"I'm not really sure. It seems like it. But I believe it has something to do with your personality or something like that."

Jay smiled. "So you're sweet and kind. But people easily underestimate you because of it, which you constantly prove to be wrong. You've got a fire in you. It's subtle but it's there. All like the color of your tail."

A light blush dusted Erin's cheeks. But she played it off, saying, "Wow! You think you're so smooth."

"Aren't I?"

"Mmm. Maybe a little," she replied, making Jay laugh. "But only a little."

Jay was still laughing as he replied, "I'll take it."

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