Flirting Before Practice

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Hi, beautiful readers! Just a reminder, the picture above depicts Rinni's outfit. And heads up: Taylor will always be wearing a green mid-thigh dress with matching heels, and her hair will be in the signature Tinkerbell bun unless I write otherwise.



"Did you hear?" Taylor asked, scampering up to Erin who was putting books in her locker. 

"About the museum? Yeah, I heard," Erin replied, placing one final book in her locker before closing it. Erin brushed her wavy hair off of her shoulder and said, "It was all Royal Pain could talk about in homeroom."

Royal Pain was a code name Erin and Taylor used for Audrey. It was a way to talk freely without any prying ears that would snitch on them. That's the last thing they needed. Besides, the girls believed that if they said her name enough times, she'd hear it and appear out of nowhere. Now, that was the last thing they needed or wanted. But the best way to keep their conversations private was to speak using American Sign Language, which both girls were fluent in. (Sign Language will be in Italics)!

"Of course," Taylor signed as she rolled her eyes. "Let me guess she already knows who did it."

Erin shrugged, holding her notebooks to her chest, freeing her hands. "She thinks she does. And she's more than ready to play judge, jury, and executioner."

"Who does she think it is?"

"I'll give you one guess."

"Do you think she's right? They were out late last night," Taylor inquired out loud, catching on to who Erin was referring to.

"It's speculation. They said they were just taking a walk. And we said we'd give them the benefit of the doubt. We don't know anything."

"So, who do you think did it?"

Again, Erin shrugged. "No idea. But remember a few years ago, Peter Pan was teaching his daughter, Piper to sneak in through windows and they used the museum as a practice course?"

Taylor nodded. "Oh yeah, how could I forget. My mom was redder than your hair because they didn't invite her. They only got a slap on the wrist and sent on their way because nothing was stolen or broken."

"Exactly. It's the same thing. Nothing was missing and it was almost like it never happened. Royal Pain is just making a fuss because she, like most people here, doesn't like change. And you and I both know that if they did it, they'd be sent back even though no harm was actually done."

"Very true. It's not fair," Taylor said as they started walking to their next class.

Erin nodded. "I couldn't agree more. But..."

"That's Auradon for you," the girls finished in unison before breaking out into a fit of giggles.

Then, suddenly, a small but powerful force rammed into both girls, causing Erin to stumble back. She tried to catch herself, but she ended up tripping over her own feet before slamming into the lockers and falling to the ground, her notebooks scattered on impact. "Ouch!"

"Jingles! Rin, are you okay?" Taylor asked, rushing to help her friend.

Erin nodded as the girls picked up the fallen notebooks. "Oh, Erin, I'm so sorry," Jane, Fairy Godmother's daughter, said. "I was in such a hurry, I guess I didn't realize."

As the two girls stood up, Taylor asked, "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Erin was adjusting her outfit and wiping any dirt off her pants as Jane replied, "I have to get my mother to sign these papers for the Coronation. I was just on my way to her office. Sorry again, Erin."

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