What a Date

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Evie had stepped out of the way, giving Jay a perfect view of Erin. He was speechless. He didn't think she could be more beautiful than she already was. Boy, was he wrong!

"Hey, Jay," Erin greeted.

"H-Hi," he stuttered nervously. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he added, "You look... Wow!"

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, Erin smiled as a blush rose to her already rosy cheeks. Then, she got a look for herself at Jay's appearance. He gussied up too, wearing a white dress shirt and black dress pants as well as his signature dark red leather jacket. But instead of his signature beanie, Jay pulled his hair up into a twisted bun in the top of his head. And Erin couldn't deny that she loved his look.

"You clean up nicely," Erin complimented. Jay smirked and puffed his chest confidently.

"Why, thank you, princess. Ready to go?"

"Absolutely," Erin stated, grabbing her sweater off of Evie's bed.

Evie smiled, looking between the two. "Have fun. Jay, I want her back at a reasonable hour."

"Yes, mom," Jay replied jokingly, rolling his eyes in mock annoyance.

Erin laughed and took her place at Jay's side. "Thanks again, E."

"You're welcome."

Jay offered his arm to Erin who gladly took it before sending a final wave to Evie. Then, they were off as Evie shut the door behind them. "So, where are you taking me?" Jay asked as they walked.

"To the front of the school," Erin stated slyly.


"What? I can't give away all my secrets. Where's the fun in that?" Erin replied, mimicking the words Jay had said to her a few days ago.

The boy chuckled. "Clever princess. But it's a perfect start to our outing."

"The place we first met," Erin added. They stared into each other's eyes longingly, smiling in a lovesick stupor. Erin was the first to break eye contact, leaning her head on Jay's bicep, the smile never leaving her face.

"First the skirt, now a dress. I like it."

"Thanks. It's rare, but Evie insisted. I'm lucky she dropped the issue with heels versus my flats."

"You can wear heels, you know. I'd never let you fall."

Erin hummed. "That's sweet. But you can't spend all your time worrying about little old me. And you won't always be there to catch me."

"Is that a challenge, princess?"

She laughed and shook her head. "Only you would take that as me challenging you. But you'll have the chance to prove yourself at the Coronation. I have to wear heels- couldn't get out of it."

"Are you asking me to escort you to the Coronation?"

"Are you accepting?"

Jay lifted Erin's hand to his lips and placed a tender kiss on her knuckles. "I'd be honored, Erin."

The sweet gesture made Erin flush. "You are one smooth operator, Jay. I bet you got all the girls back home."

Before Jay could answer, the pair made it to the front of the school and he was in awe at what was waiting for them. A beautiful black horse was attached to a polished wooden carriage. The wood was a dark brown and intricate black designs decorated it on all sides. "Woah! Is that for us?"

"It is."


"I pulled some strings. Would you like to meet him?"

Descendants: A Jay Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now