Magical Makeovers

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The school day was finally over! Erin felt pretty tired, and she was sure the new students were just as tired, maybe more so. Being in a new school, in a new environment, with all new people- it was draining stuff. Erin felt more tired just thinking about it.

She was more than ready to go back to her room and unwind a little before starting her homework. After stopping at her locker to grab all her books, Erin headed to her dorm.

The walk wasn't that long. And Erin passed the time by singing to herself. She didn't even finish the second song before arriving at her door. On her way, she passed Mal and Evie's room and noticed the door was open, but she didn't want to intrude. Standing in front of her closed door, Erin struggled to get the key out of her purse.

"Come on," she groaned. With a little more effort, she finally freed her key from the dark depths of her bag. "Ah-ha! Got it!"

Now, came another challenge- unlocking the door. Erin fumbled to put the key in the lock, and her hair was being less than cooperative, getting in her eyes and blinding her. She had to blow her bangs out of her face quite a few times. "Stupid hair," she whined. Her hair was in her eyes again and she groaned, flipping it out of her face. In the process, she dropped the key, and it somehow managed to slide under the door, locking Erin out of her room.

"What?! Really?! How does that happen?!"

"Erin?" Evie asked, popping her head out of her room, and making Erin jump in fright.

"Oh, Evie, you scared me," Erin stated, trying to slow her pounding heart. "What's up?"

Evie came out of her room and approached Erin slowly. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah. I dropped my key and it went under the door somehow," Erin replied, gesturing to her door. "Only me."

"Do you wanna come into our room and hang out until Taylor gets back?"

A grateful smile adorned Erin's face and she was about to accept, but Taylor opened their door from inside, and said, "I heard my name."

Erin jumped for the second time in less than five minutes. "Tay!"

"Sorry," Taylor giggled. "Here's your key."

Taking her key, Erin asked, "You were in the room the entire time, and you didn't hear me struggling?"

"Nope," Taylor replied, popping the 'p'.

"But, you heard Evie say your name?"

Taylor shrugged innocently and informed, "I had just taken my headphones off when she said it. Then, I saw your key on the floor."

"Fine, you're forgiven," Erin said playfully, making Taylor stick her tongue out at her friend.

Erin scrunched up her nose and returned the gesture, which made Evie giggle. "You guys are adorable."

"Thanks," Taylor replied.

"Yeah, and thanks for offering to let me hang out with you."

"The offer still stands. Both of you, come on," Evie stated, motioning for Erin and Taylor to follow her. "Jane is in there too!"

"Sweet!" Taylor exclaimed as she fluttered past Evie into the open room. Erin shook her head and closed her door before walking with Evie into the girls' room.

Upon seeing Mal laying on her bed, Erin waved and greeted, "Hey, Mal."

"Hey, Red," Mal returned after looking up from her sketch, and she didn't waste any time getting back to it.

Taylor sat with Evie at the sewing desk while Erin sat by Evie's pillows. Jane was hanging on the poster at the foot of Evie's bed, and a disappointed scowl decorated her bright features. "What's wrong, Jane?" Taylor asked.

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