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(Taehyung's POV)

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(Taehyung's POV)

    Life has been tough. I almost got fired from my job today reason being my constant spacing out throughout my entire shift. That can only be blamed on my lack of sleep and my student life. I'm also pretty sure my band teacher is pissed at me. Since I've missed many of our recent practices I know Mr. Kang is livid. In the trumpet section I'm first chair too which doesn't help. Stress can't even describe the shit that's on my plate. My parents are of no help either. All they do is argue and fight. They don't pay attention to me so I learned to look for myself instead.

   Shoving my items into my locker I feel a lingering gaze burning holes into my neck. Glancing down there Jimin was in all of his glory. Witnessing his cute self did brighten me up a bit. He was frowning though, making him look like a frustrated puppy. Suddenly I was being yanked down by my shirt collar and pulled into a rough kiss. Wasting no time to kiss back I dominate the kiss pouring all of my frustrations into it. Pulling apart we both find ourselves breathing heavily. "What was that about?" I question with raised brows. The people surrounding us all gazed at us with wide eyes. "Mind your business!" Jimin snaps at the students who stared for too long.  
"I'm pissed." He huffs turning back towards me.  "Why?" I ask, unsure of why he's even telling me.  "'Cause of the two whores over there." He spits glaring at Hongjoong and Mingi.  "You shouldn't be so pressed about them. Yes they did you wrong but what's the point of staying upset, just move on." The boy rolls his eyes at my words.  "You're supposed to be on my side." He whines hooking his arm in mine.  "Am I though? We aren't close, we only ever fucked." I tell him truthfully even though my insides were burning at the contact. "We could get close, unless you don't want to." He says looking up at me with a smirk. This boy knows what he's doing.  "Y-yeah we can get close." I stuttered. What the fuck is life? Park Jimin my crush since what felt like forever wants to be close to me. It seems unbelievable. Which is crazy because we've already hooked up multiple times yet this is what drives me crazy. Human emotions are strange.  "You're so cute Tae. Like in bed you're a monster, but in any other setting you're such a sweetheart." Jimin comments with a look of awe on his face.

    I felt warm the entirety of my first class and now I'm in my math class which I share with Jimin. My mind was polluted by the 'it boy' himself. Thinking about him makes my mind drunk. He distracts me from every thing going on around. It becomes even worse when he's next to me. His presence is intoxicating, alluring. I think a person with that much power should be illegal. "Watcha thinkin' about?" A voice says suddenly.  "You scared the shit out of me." I whisper with a gasp. The boy only giggled at me before quickly apologizing. "Sorry, you just looked so lost like you were daydreaming or something. It made me curious."  "I was thinking about you." I say bluntly. "You're lying." Jimin scoffs playfully.  "I'm not." I assure with a serious expression.  "Ok then, what about me has you so enamored?" The boy had a cheeky smile painted on his beautiful face. There was that wild glint that always sparkled in his eyes. This boy made me nervous although I never try to show that. Instead I put on a confident front whenever I'm near him. "Well..." Before I could continue to speak the boy leans closer, his eyes clouded with a different emotion. With him staring like that it knocked me off my high horse.  "Y-you're really different, a g-good kind of different. Um, I-I don't know how to describe you." I sputter stupidly. He makes me feel so mushy inside with just a glance.  "Do I make you nervous Tae?" He teases leaning even closer to me with a seductive glare. I nod truthfully, "Yeah."  "You're so honest, I like that about you. At lunch time you should sit with me today."  "I, I don't know. What about my friends?" I ask thinking about the only other people I actually care about.  "They can join if they want, just tell your tall friend to smile more, he's always frowning."  "Oh Namjoon. He's actually cool, he doesn't like you and your friends very much though." I explain remembering the countless times Namjoon has complained about how dumb he thinks the three are. 'Why do you even a crush on him Tae, he probably has an STD.' bullshit like that.  "Whatever, he probably needs to get laid or something." Jimin says rolling his eyes. The bell that signals the end of class rings. "Think about it ok." He tells me planting a kiss on my cheek. We both pack up getting ready for our next class.

      In the bustling cafeteria I manage to find my small group of friends. "Hey Tae." Hoseok greets first with a radiant smile. "Hey." I mumble back with feigned enthusiasm. "You look like you have something to say so spit it out." Yoongi says in his usual monotone voice. "Um, you see Jimin invited us to his table and I was thinking that we accept the offer." I announce tentatively. "No! That's a bad idea, it must be a set up." Namjoon states with heavy disagreement. "I think that sounds like fun." Hoseok comments eagerly. "Yoongi." I say and we all gaze at the short boy waiting for his answer. "I mean, it shouldn't be too bad." He responds with a shrug. "See, even Yoongi agrees. Namjoon lighten up a bit, it'll be fine." With a dramatic sigh and theatric roll of the eyes, the boy finally agreed.

    "So, what do you boys like to do for fun?" Jimin asks, eyes piercing into our souls. The three plastics were interrogating us since the moment we sat down. Mainly Hoseok and I were the speakers. Yoongi spoke like twice and Namjoon refused to speak at all. "Usually we hang out together and if not I like to dance with the studio near the school." Hoseok answers in which the three socialites hummed in amusement.  "Really? You should show us sometime." Jin suggests with a grin.  "What about you emo boy?" Jungkook asks facing Yoongi. The boy flinchs at the close proximity and Jungkook smirks. "I play basketball and write sometimes, nothing too extraordinary." He answers timidly.  "Oof babe, we need to take you guys out." Jungkook comments and the two other plastics nod in agreement.  "And you? Do you do anything other then look like you always have a stick up your ass?" Jimin asks with a condescending smile. He bursts out in laughter when Namjoon whips around to glare at him.  

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