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(Taehyung's POV) 

     I stood in front of the hospital entrance, waiting for the blonde haired boy to pick me up. Staying in that confined hospital room had me feeling stuffy and claustrophobic. My mother and I didn't speak much in there, which was both unsettling and comforting. It's like I wanted to know her thoughts about everything, I wanted answers. However, there was a strong urge to just move on. As if my conscious refused to dwell on the tragedy and act like it never happened. Most of all I was just grateful that she is alive and recovering. A therapist and psychologist have been assigned to my mother and I for trauma of abuse. Which has me nervous. It has already been difficult having to tell authorities and family about what happened and what's been happening. Though it's for the best, I guess. The officer from the day of the incident, Sungwoo, escorted me like he said he would. He offered to bring me home in which I declined politely. At this moment I needed to see Jimin, who has now become the closest person to me. Who I plan on telling everything to, since I feel like I can fully trust him.  

       "Taehyung!" The boy calls out, arms wide open. He runs over to me and throws his arms around my slightly trembling body.   "Oh, baby." ,  "Why are you here? What happened? I was going to have a panic attack if you didn't respond any sooner." The blonde haired boy rambles, cupping my face with cold hands.   "Your hands are freezing." I state matter-of-factly, earning a smack to my chest.  "That's all you have to say to me? I can leave you here Kim Taehyung, don't fuck with me." He whines, glaring at me. Returning his hug from earlier, I press a kiss on the side of his head.  "Sorry Min. I feel guilty for leaving everyone in the dark, but I'll tell you everything. Just please don't have a panic attack." I mutter so only he can hear me. His scowl briskly switched to a illuminant smile, boosting up my mood as well.  "So, my place?" Jimin asks me and I agree. He takes my hand, leading me to his car.

       Jimin told me about the dinner and why he was a bit late. He had to finish entertaining their guests before being excused. Thankfully his parents were asleep so therefore neither of us were burdened with having to give any explanations. Mi-sun was the only person who saw us creep into the house though. She greeted me with so much joy and warmth, it almost brought me to tears. It made me think about my own mother, who lay in a hospital bed due to the actions of her own husband. Right now Jimin and I lay beside each other on his bed in a comfortable silence. Me attempting to gather my thoughts and Jimin patiently waiting.  "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to convince myself that it's ok to tell someone." I explain, flashing him a weak smile.  "It's ok, take your time. I'm not going anywhere." He assures me, caressing my cheek gently. I nod, reveling in his light touch.  "You promise you won't judge?" My eyes were wide and doe like.  "I promise." He confirms, locking our pinkies together.   "I'll try to make this as brief as possible. But basically my home life has always kind of been shit. My father isn't a great guy, and it's very apparent when he drinks himself to the point of rage. Taking out all his fury and anger on my mother and I. When I was younger I would always hide outside when they would get into it. However, I could still hear the hits and screams from out there. It was so painful and little Tae couldn't fathom an explanation for these occurrences. Couldn't understand why daddy was so mad all the time. As I got older nothing got better. I ended up having to work one or even two jobs sometimes to help pay for living costs, since my father didn't want to help. And the violence got more intense. The only difference is I grew up and am able to defend myself and her more instead of running away. It also occurred to me that telling someone was an option. There have been plenty of instances where I wanted to reach out or call the cops. And every time my mother stopped me. She told me that I couldn't do that, that it would make things worse. It baffled me, I thought 'why was she protecting this bastard?'. Even though it confused me, I still listened like an idiot all because I didn't want to disappoint her. So a few days ago I come home to my mother on the ground, blood pooling around her head. My father stood, hovering over her with a bamboo stick that he obviously used to assault her. That immediately sent me into panic mode, that was my breaking point. And so, I had finally, after all of these years, called the police. During the call I had to pin my father down and literally sit on him so he couldn't budge at all. The cops came and my father was arrested. An ambulance was called to pick up my mother and yeah. That's the basis of all the shit I've been dealing with privately. I've literally told no one else but you, besides authority and some of my maternal relatives. But yeah." I finish with a heavy sigh, turning to see Jimin who had tears streaming like rivers down his face.   "T-that's horrible. I feel like such a piece of shit now." He says sobbing even harder, coughing from the cries racking through his body.  "Oh, Jimin-ah. I didn't mean to make you cry." I stroke his blonde locks, attempting to comfort the boy.  "Why aren't you crying?" He asks, furiously wiping away his tears. I chuckle humorlessly at the question, already knowing the answer.  "Because, I have already cried. Plenty of times I've spent weeping about how miserable my life is, that now I'm numb to it."  Jimin frowns at that answer, eyes red and puffy.  "That's extremely depressing." He comments, and I nod in agreement.  "Now I feel like a bitch for complaining about not getting my parents' attention." He adds with a sulk. Pulling him closer to me, I tell him.  "You have every right to complain. Just because to other people, it may not seem 'as bad' as my situation but who can really say what's worse. To me, they both are equally as hurtful and traumatizing. They both have the power to create issues within the victims, big or small. Your parents not showing you proper love and affection definitely has negative and traumatizing affects, that will continue to affect you throughout your whole life. And it will affect whoever you're close to, even your children. So please, do not belittle what you're going through because it's just as serious." I tell him, with a serious look. Hesitantly, he nods mumbling a small, "Ok, I believe you."  With a smile I kiss him again, but this time on the tip of his nose. Opening up to Jimin surprisingly made me feel allot more at peace with my experiences. Of course it still comes back up in painful flashes, but keeping it all bottled up didn't help any better.   "Thank you my handsome, beloved, hubby for sharing that with me. I know it was really challenging, but I'm glad you trust me." He quips, gazing at me lovingly.   "Hubby? How did we skip the boyfriend step?" I ask, with a laugh.  "Listen, you're lucky enough that I like you back. Most people don't even stand a chance, so you better take it." He answers sassily.   "Yes King Jimin. Thank you for loving a peasant like me." I tease, earning a glare from the smaller.  "Oh and don't think I forgot about our other promise." He brings up suddenly.  "Huh?"  The hell is this boy talking about?  Jimin crawls on top of me, sitting on my thighs.  "The last time you were at school you promised me that nothing was seriously wrong with you. You broke that promise, now I have to kick your ass." He answers, hand drawn back ready to swing. Before his hand could contact my skin, I grabbed it pushing him off of me and onto his back.  "Oh no, no, no. You're gonna have to catch me first darling." I smirk, craning down to kiss his lips.

A.N~ Another update because sometimes I forget how much fun writing these stories are. Hope you all enjoy, xoxo.

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