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(Taehyung's POV)

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(Taehyung's POV)

I groan at the sound of another text message. Grabbing my phone I peer at it, unfazed by the name. The junior has made it a habit to text me at any given point of the day, despite where I am. Right now I'm at my new job, which I shouldn't be texting but it's a slow day so there isn't much to do anyways.

Jihoon~ Hey Tae. After our session today I was thinking that we could maybe hang out or something.

Me~ Not today, kinda already have plans

Jihoon~ ok, maybe tomorrow then🥺

Me~ fine, only cause you're adorable

Jihoon ~ 🥰

       "Your phone is ringing." The junior notifies me, pointing at the device. Guilt swims in the pit of my stomach as I ignore the screen blaring Jimin's number. I always have my phone on silent whenever we have these sessions, so I shouldn't feel so bad.  "Um, I can just call him back. This is more important right now." I tell the boy, turning back to the work sheets on the table.  "Ok."
         Usually during these times I'm fairly focused, however today my mind is literally racing in multiple directions. It's honestly giving me a headache.  "Tae, are you ok?" Jihoon asks eyeing me with concern. Heaving a sigh I nod, now isn't the time to waste time.  "Yeah just have a bit of a headache but I'll be fine, let's continue."   "I don't know. If you aren't feeling well then we can take a break-"   "Believe me I'm ok." I insist though the younger gives me a pointed look.  "We can take a short break, please your health and well being is way more important."  After a moment I nod in agreement, not in the mood to continue going back and forth.  "Ok fine, no more puppy eyes." I say playfully making him smile.
          What was supposed to be a short break turned into an hour of us messing around, completely disregarding the original plan.  "Your phone is ringing again."  Looking down I see Jimin's caller ID on my screen. I give the boy an apologetic look. "You should probably answer this time, it's not like we're busy at the moment." Jihoon tells me with a small smile.  "Hey Jimin." I greet once he picks up the phone.  "Hey, ok so change of plans. I was thinking that we go to the mall instead of the cafe." He says quickly. "You really called me for that? That could've been a text." I tell him, unimpressed.  "Not you being all moody on me, maybe I just want to here your voice. You know since apparently you don't have enough time for me now." The boy teases though there was a hint of sincerity beneath the playfulness.  "You know that's not the case. I can't help that I'm hella busy nowadays. I promise that it's not on purpose, you know I love being around you."   "You promise?" He asks with a sulky tone. How did I ever stay away from him for so long? "Of course." I tell him genuinely.  "Ok well hurry your fine ass to the mall, I miss you." The boy says before hanging up.  "Jihoon, I gotta go. Thank you always though for your help."

      "Taehyung!" Jimin yells, running towards me. I wait for him with wide arms as he comes barreling into my chest.  "I've missed you handsome." He confesses, pecking my lips gently.  "Same here. I've been so busy and I felt so guilty that I haven't really seen you in a few weeks." I tell him with a grin.  "It's ok. I'll forgive you as long as you let me ride you in the backseat of my car." He whispers lewdly in my ear, immediately making my dick twitch in excitement.  "You little temptress." I tease, pinching his butt.  "But on a serious note, I'll take you up on that offer. It's been far too long, I haven't busted a nut in a bit." I reveal garnering a giggle from the smaller.

     For the third time I hear my stomach growl in hunger.  "Ok we can go to the food court now." Jimin huffs out, in which I silently cheer. We've been shopping for almost two hours now leaving me drained and starving. "Where do you wanna eat?" He asks me, linking our arms together.  "I'll go wherever you wanna eat, I just need food." I tell him, heaving a high.  "Alright, I'm going to the ramen place over there."  I nod, agreeing with his choice as he leads us over there. Getting closer to the store front I hear a familiar voice calling my name. Looking in that direction there Jihoon was, standing at the ramen shop we were heading to.  "Oh, hey Jihoon, what are you doing here?"   "I'm waiting for my brother to be done with his shift so we can pick up a gift for our mother's birthday on Saturday. But it's such a coincidence we happened to bump into each other, we were just together earlier." The junior states with a giggle.   "I don't think we've met before, it's quite rude for my dearest Taehyung here to not introduce me to a friend." Jimin interjects with a tight lipped smile on his face.  "Oh, right. Jimin this is my friend Jihoon, Jihoon this is Jimin." I introduce awkwardly feeling Jimin's aura grow more intense.  "Well of course I know the famous Park Jimin, I'll be living under a rock if I didn't. You're extra pretty up close by the way." Jihoon rambles excitedly, innocent eyes wide and doe-like.  "Thank you, you're not so bad yourself." Jimin replies passive aggressively, though it completely flew over the youngest's head.  "Since we're all here, we could eat together and get acquainted." I suggest, gasping when Jimin elbows my stomach. "That sounds like a great idea. I would love to get close to any friend of yours Tae." Jihoon agrees, smiling brightly.  "See, it's a great idea right Minnie?" I say to the boy who glares at me.  "Right?" I repeat seeing him attempt to swallow the malice before answering.  "Yeah, sounds grand." He mutters but as soon as Jihoon turned around he grabs me by the front of my shirt.  "Guess who won't be touching this ass any time soon." Damn

A.N~ A little update for you loves🥰😘 but heads up, the plot thickens quickly in the next chapters👀

N~ A little update for you loves🥰😘 but heads up, the plot thickens quickly in the next chapters👀

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This is Park Jihoon from the group wannaone btw

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This is Park Jihoon from the group wannaone btw. He's also a Tae Stan💗

 He's also a Tae Stan💗

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