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(Taehyung's POV)

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(Taehyung's POV)

Jihoon ~ Hey Tae, I know it's really late but I have something important to tell you. I would tell you in person but I'm too scared so for now texting is better. Anyways I wanted to tell you that I have the biggest crush on you 🤭

I stared at the text message with wide eyes. He likes me? Where did this come from? Never did I expect to receive this kind of message from the junior. Sure the boy was extremely friendly with him and attentive, but I wouldn't of fathomed this. What do I say back? Surely I didn't return those feelings, that's for certain. The younger was definitely very sweet and more soft and innocent, however that's usually not what I go for. So I tried to break his heart as lightly as I could.

Me~ I am surprised by this confession. But I don't like you back, at least not how you like me. You're beautiful and a really sweet person but I like someone else.
"Hey handsome." A voice greets, and though I already knew who it was I look to see anyway. As always the boy was drop dead gorgeous, without fail he constantly looks stunning. "Hey Minnie." I greet moving for a hug but he beats me, pulling me into a kiss instead. He bites my bottom lip, making me groan in a mixture of pain and pleasure. "What are you trying do?" I grumble, pulling him away from me. "Give you a boner." He answers nonchalant, palming at my semi hard on. "Don't have to kiss me to do that." I tell him honestly. All he has to do is glance at me and my dick is alive, he just has it like that. "Oh yeah, I forgot that you're completely and utterly ravished by my bad bitchery and charm." He teases with a playful grin. "Oh hush." I huff, embarrassed because he's technically not wrong. "Anyways since it's the end of the day, you should come with me to my house." The smaller presents, with a hopeful smile. "I have work in a few hours but I can come over for a bit." I reply, unable to deny him with that look on his face. "Yay!" He cheers, hugging me tightly. "Let's go."

"I haven't seen you here in a while." Mi-sun states once she sees me. I nod, "Yeah, work and school has been really taking a toll on me." She wraps her arms around me in a maternal like embrace, "That's rough sweetie, hopefully you'll get a break soon." , "Oh, and I made some japchae if you both are hungry." She informs us with a warm expression. "Ok, thank you noona. I'll eat later." Jimin thanks. "Me too."
"So guess what crazy thing happened last night!" I exclaim, unable to contain the news. "What?" He asked with evident curiosity. "Tell me why Jihoon texted me a confession at the crack of dawn. I was so confused because I never thought he had a crush on me." I reveal to the smaller who had a smug smile on his face. What got me was the fact that he didn't look nearly as shocked as I was about this information. "Are you not surprised?" Jimin shakes his head no, "It was pretty obvious if you ask me. He literally mentions you almost every time he speaks to me. What a shame you like someone else." That last part caught my attention because I don't remember telling him that. "How did you know that?" I ask earning a dumbfounded look. "Huh?" My eyes thinned and I cleared my throat before repeating myself. "How did you know that? I'm sure that I never told you I liked someone." In an instant his expression turned from befuddled to his usual confident self. "Earlier today Jihoon showed me the text and let me tell you... he was devastated. I had to hold back from laughing, but I didn't because the poor boy was heartbroken enough. But yeah, that's how I knew that." He answers with a shrug. "On to the more important subject though. Who's your crush?" Immediately I l felt shy. Of course, I should've expected him to ask it's Jimin after all. "I don't wanna say." I answer childishly, pouting. "Just tell me. I'll say who I have a crush on if you tell me yours." Jimin has a crush? On who? That definitely had me curious, so I agreed hesitantly. "Ok but you say yours first." I command softly. "I don't understand why you're so scared but fine I'll say mine first." He scoffs lightly. "Close your eyes." I scrunch my nose in confusion ready to protest, but he beat me to it. "Just do it Taehyung." He snaps. I'm quick to do as he says, still puzzled as to what that has to do with anything. Soon enough I feel him plop down onto my lap, his voice soft in my ear, "I thought you would figure it out by now but I like you, allot. As in I don't just wanna have sex I also want the romance and commitment too." My eyes flew open at his words, an indescribable feeling brewing in my chest. "I am so relieved now. I've had a crush on you for the longest." I reveal ecstatically, feeling bold enough to finally say my feelings. "Damn, so you were always whipped." The smaller remarks with a smirk. "Shut up." I huff, pushing him off my lap. He burst into a fit of giggles, laying back against the mattress giving me the perfect opportunity to hover over him. "It isn't even that funny." I state, rolling my eyes. He peers up at me with his pretty brown orbs, a small smile now gracing his lips. "Come closer." He whispers, beckoning me with his pointer finger. As soon as my face gets in closer proximity to his, he grabs my jaw with both hands. Warmth spread like a wildfire throughout my whole body as soon as his velveteen lips touched mine. I felt it most in my stomach, that pool of butterflies I get only with him. The way our lips melted together, moving like a beautiful melody. It was almost pure... almost. "Should we fuck now?" Jimin asks, breathing ragged and back arched. "Definitely." I answer, moving to lock the door.

A.N~ Face reveal 👇🏽😚

N~ Face reveal 👇🏽😚

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