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(Taehyung's POV)

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(Taehyung's POV)

      Inhaling sharply I reluctantly walk up the steps to the front door of my house. The screaming was so extremely loud that I could hear everything outside. I'm surprised that the neighbors didn't come outside, but then again why would they? No one has done anything to help when things got tough, not even myself. However that's only because of the promise I've made to my mom. Though I can't say how long I'll be able to keep that promise. My whole body trembled as my hand reached to unlock the door. A large part of me was dreading opening the door, having to deal with my parents' toxicity. On the flip side the other part knew that if I didn't intervene something tragic could happen, it's almost happened before. So with a quick pep talk I push my key in and twist it. I threw the door open, letting it swing and hit the wall. Witnessing the scene before me had my whole body seize up in shock. Was I too late? I should've never went to work today, could I have prevented this?  For a good moment I couldn't move, body still frozen in place. There stood my father, towering over my mother's collapsed body on the floor. In his hands was a bamboo stick from one of the vases in the living room. Clearly he used that as his tool to beat my mom with. There was a pool of blood on the floor surrounding her head like a halo. That sent more panic straight to my heart. Breathing ragged and rough my father turned to me with a mixture of guilt and trepidation on his features.  "I... it was an accident." He scrambled to say, skin glistening with a nervous sweat. Bile rose up my throat at his words.  "A-accident?" I repeat in a soft tone.   "How is beating your wife to the brink of death an accident?" I rage, scrambling over to the man. Knocking him down we wrestle until I'm finally on top. I pin him down with all of my strength, using one of my hands to reach for my phone. Dialing the emergency number I shakily recount everything urging them to please hurry up. I stay on top of my father until I see the police car pull up. The front door was still wide open, so they were able to see everything and rushed in. Getting off of my father I watch as two out of the three officers dragged him away putting cuffs on him. Outside there were multiple of our neighbors crowding around our front yard, all wondering what happened here. Nosy asses. I roll my eyes at them. Where were they any other time? It took police to be here for their interest to pique. Rushing over to my mother I observed her state. She looked god awful however she was still breathing, and instantly allot of my anxiety settled for that moment.  "Sir, what's your name and age?" The last officer asks.  "Kim Taehyung and I'm 17." I answer, glancing at the officer for a second before turning my attention back to my mother.  " An ambulance will arrive for your mother Taehyung-ssi. They should be here any moment now." He informs me. I nod, though the plaguing thoughts of all the medical bills haunt me. All the work I do never seems to truly pay off, now I have this. Everything was so overwhelming that I could break down right on the spot, now isn't the time though. Caressing my mother's face I hear the sound of the ambulance and pull away. I watch grimly as they take her body away, placing her on the stretcher. Right as I was going to follow the paramedics the officer stopped me.  "Uh, we can't have you ride with her. You are a minor and so we have to have you just stay here since there is no other parent or guardian to allow you to. Since you are 17 though, we'll let you stay by yourself. Usually we'll have to turn you in to get you a temporary guardian but we'll let this slide."  I take in all of the information, my heart shattering at the fact that I can't ride with her.  "Will I be able to visit at all?"    "Yes, once she's in a better state but you'll need a family member or some kind of authority with you. If you need one you can have my phone number and I'll escort you." The kind officer offers with a genuine smile on his face. Feeling incredibly grateful I reach out to shake his hand.  "T-Thank you so much Mr..."   "Sungwoo." He answers gently.  "Thank you Sungwoo-ssi." 

          "So basically I threatened him because that was such a bitch move like I'm still livid about it and-" I zoned out as Jimin rambled about the Jongin situation. It's not like I don't want to give him my attention I just can't. Not when images of yesterday keep flashing before my eyes.  "Taehyung... are you even listening?",  "Yah, Taehyung-ah."  Glancing at his annoyed expression I speak, "Huh, I'm sorry. Today I'm pretty out of it"  He nods with a gaze of understanding.  "Oh. What's got you so hung up? Work stress? School?"  It almost made me laugh at how innocent his guesses were. If only he knew what's really going on.  "Uh, yeah... something like that." I tell him. It wasn't really a lie though, more like a half truth. Work and school are always stressful, however with such a toxic home life, that is what drains me the most.  "You sure that's all? I mean you've had your off days, but I feel like I've never seen you this out of it." Jimin presses, eyes scanning me skeptically.  "I'm sure." It felt bad when lying to him straight through my teeth, but sharing my household environment was still foreign to me. Just calling the police was allot for me. I have tried to call plenty of times, though it's always been my mom whose stopped me. All to "not cause a scene" or "I don't want anything bad to happen". It was ridiculous. My father gambled away all of our money and quit his job like the loser he is. So all he did was drink himself silly, come home and reek havoc on us.  "Alright, I'll take your word for it. But I promise you, if I find out you're lying and something's wrong I'm gonna kick your ass ok?" He threatens jokingly making me giggle, though I don't doubt there's hidden truth in the boy's words.  "Baby I promise." I tell him holding out my pinky. He scoffed at my finger, interlocking his pinky anyways. As soon as we pulled away I felt a deep sense of guilt and anxiety. Making promises that I know I can't keep make me nervous. I really set myself up for failure.

A.N~ Not I updated after a trillion years. More updates will be coming this week... I hope. But hopefully you all enjoy. xoxo

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