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(Taehyung's Pov)

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(Taehyung's Pov)

      "You got fired?" The man I can hardly call a father grunts.  "Yes, I've been applying to other places." I mumble monotonously.  "Well, what the hell are we gonna do with all these damn bills." He huffs furiously, making me roll my eyes.  "Your lazy ass needs to find a new job quickly." The older man snaps about to walk away.  "I'm sorry, you're saying I am lazy? Says the bum who is depending on his child to live under this damn roof, if anything I should be running shit here! I don't think you realize how hard this is for me, balancing school, work, and your bullshit! I'm going crazy living here and when I leave for good one day, don't bother even trying to reach out to me!" I storm out before he even has the chance to try anything. Running with only my phone and wallet on me, I run until my breath escapes me. Panting, I rest my back against a brick wall. It isn't the brightest idea to be chilling around like this in a neighborhood such as this one, but what else can I do? Scrolling through my contacts my eyes instantly fall on the J's. It's 6pm, a strange hour to want to randomly hang out, but I call anyways.  "Taehyung?" The boy sounded confused yet pleasantly surprised at the same time.  "Hey, I know this is a weird time but can I come over?" I ask, my voice gravelly and tired.  "You good? You sound off." Jimin asks, concerned.  "I'm doing my best." I tell him vaguely.  "Oh...ok. You can come over, do you need me to pick you up?" If Jimin saw the shit hole of a neighborhood I live in, he'll probably look at me differently. I don't know if I can handle that kind of humiliation.  "No it's good, thank you though. I'll be there, see you."  "Ok, come quickly." He tells me before hanging up.

       I ended up taking an uber to his place which cost me almost 20 bucks since he lives across town. Exiting the car I'm met with Jimin who ran over from the porch to give me a hug.  "Hey handsome." He greets placing a kiss on my cheek.  "Hey." I reply sheepishly.  "Mi-sun is making food and when I say her cooking is bomb. I'm telling you it's immaculate." Jimin spoke excitedly, grabbing my hand. He led me to the kitchen where his nanny was indeed slaving away.  "Noona, look who's here."  The aforementioned turned around, eyes lighting up at the sight of me.  "Hello there, Taehyung was it?" She greets brightly, hands still busy at work.  "Hello, it's good to see you again. It smells fantastic in here." I compliment genuinely, the kitchen smelt heavenly.  "Aigoo, what a charmer. Min-ah if you don't get him now I just might have to snatch him away from you." Mi-sun teases.  "I mean, if you want he's up for grabs." Jimin tells her, a playful grin on his face.  "Wow, you're ready to give me up so fast." I scoff in offense, playing along.  "Most definitely not." He says pulling me elsewhere. This looked to be a non-formal living room as the room adjacent seemed to be the formal one. There was a large TV on the wall and speakers at each corner, creating surround sound. The space was furnished lavishly, creating a rich atmosphere.   "I'm gonna play music if that's ok." Jimin tells me while turning on the television.  "That's cool." I reply moving to have a seat on the plush, white couch.  "Do you have any preferences?" He asks pulling  Youtube up on the TV.   "No, it's your house you can play whatever you want."  The boy only shrugs, typing a song in.  Unexpectedly, 80s pop began to play. (Dream boy Dream girl original ver. by Johny O and Cynthia)  I watched in amusement as he pranced around, eagerly grooving to the beat. During Cynthia's part Jimin began mouthing the lyrics, acting them out dramatically. This song is nostalgic for me, bringing back many hidden memories. Flashbacks of my childhood play where my mother and I would be in the living room playing this song. Both of us with the widest grins on our faces as we had a dance battle. It was such a happy time, back when the house actually felt like a home. Sometimes, I want to travel back in time when my mother wore a genuine smile instead of the faux one that she puts on in an attempt to convince me that all is fine when it isn't.  "Come on Tae, dance with me." Jimin holds his hand out, a beaming smile illuminating his features.  Something about this whole moment feels so significant because as soon as I take his hand a rush of elation courses through my body. I passionately sing along to Johny's part, serenading Jimin with my theatric acting skills. We both fell to the carpeted floor in tears, crying laughing once the song ended.  "That was fucking amazing." Jimin rasps, voice fried from laughing so hard.  "Yeah, but I'm sweaty as hell from dancing." I tell him.  "Me too. You wanna shower, we can shower together." He suggests wiggling his eyebrows flirtatiously.  "Yeah sure." I agree, not really expecting him to go through with his words.  "Noona, Taehyung and I are really sweaty and nasty so we're going to my room to shower and change ok." He tells Mi-sun who was still in the kitchen cooking.   "Ok, make sure to be back by the time dinner is ready. It should be done in about half an hour." She tells us and we nod yes before heading upstairs.  

     The boy was not kidding when suggesting that we shower together. I step into the bathroom and turn around to see Jimin behind me, stripping off his clothes.   "Wait, I didn't know you were serious." I tell him wide eyed.  "You seem disappointed." Jimin mutters with a pout.  "Oh, no trust me I'm definitely not disappointed, just surprised." I tell him honestly and he smirks.  We keep our eyes locked as we climb in, basking in the warm water that was able to cover both of us. Jimin squirts some aloe scented body gel into his hands massaging it onto the skin of my chest in sensual circles. My eyes are trained on his every move as he stays focused on the task at hand. After thoroughly massaging the soap onto the upper half of my body he removes his hands whispering, "My turn."  I try not to come off too eager as I lathered the same gel into my hands. Placing my hands on his waist I start there, massaging the soap into his soft skin, trailing my hands down until I'm gripping his ass.  "I don't know if this was a good idea 'cause now all I wanna do is fuck." I blurt out, hands kneading into the plump flesh even harder.  "I'm not opposed to that." Jimin replies alluringly before reaching up for a kiss. His hands held my face as my hands traveled, exploring his lower half.  Still deep in the kiss I slip one finger into the smaller earning an unexpecting squeak from him.  Adding another finger I make a scissoring motion attempting to loosen him up. He moaned and gasped into my mouth, already riled up. The boy broke the kiss, instead nipping and kissing along my jawline. I shuddered at the intimate contact increasing the pace of my fingers.  "Mmm, Tae. Y-you're p-playing now." He whines, whimpering when I remove my fingers.  "Fine." I grab him by the waist turning him so that he's facing the tiled wall. Lining up my tip with his entrance I carefully push in making him fall forward. Letting out a drawn out moan he places his hands on the tile instinctually. Gripping the back of his neck I'm careful to not hurt him as I piston my hips into the small boy.  "F-fuck." Jimin curses out, throwing his head back. Growling in pleasure I drag my fingers down from his neck to his lower back, leaving light scratches.  "You. Feel. So. Good." I praise between each thrust. The boy mewls at the compliment, fucking back just as hard as I thrust into him. Holding his hips in place I speed up, angling my hips to go deeper reaching his sweet spot.  "O-oh, s-shit." He stutters, legs trembling as he came. I continue to thrust, chasing my release. He whines at the overstimulation, incoherent nonsense escaping his lips. When I did cum, I pushed all the way in to the base, releasing deep inside of the boy.  "I-I needed that." Jimin confesses softly, looking up at me with fond eyes.  "Me too." I agreed, pressing a chaste kiss onto his swollen lips.

A.N~ Not me updating the next day, lol. Please comment telling me what you think. I love you all, xoxo.

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