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(Jimin's POV)

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(Jimin's POV)

      Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him, fuck him, fuck him. That son of a bitch really tried my whole existence. Tears slowly roll down my face as I storm down the hallway. I don't even know why I'm so angry, I never really loved him or anything but this still hurts. Maybe because he was my first everything. My first kiss, first boyfriend, that fucker took my virginity. Going into the nearest bathroom, I scout the room making sure no one is in there. Staring into the mirror, I stare at my tear ridden face. Ewww, I look miserable. But seriously why? Am I not good enough? Pretty enough. What is it?   Usually I'm not the type to be insecure but I can't help it when I was cheated on for someone of a lesser status. Hearing the bathroom door open, I hurry and lock myself into a stall. Sniffling, I try to stop myself from making anymore crying sounds. When I thought the person left, I opened up the stall and was met with a broad back. The boy turned around after hearing my light gasp. It was my locker neighbor, he was the one who came in. He looked tired and his eyebrows were furrowed but they softened when seeing me. "Park Jimin, that was you crying?"He asked with concern. I nod yes, not feeling compelled to lie.  "Are you ok? Wait that was a dumb question, obviously not. What's wrong though? I know it's none of my business but when you let things off your chest to a stranger, it can feel nice." He explains with a warm smile. Oddly something about his tone told me to trust him.  "Nothing much, it's just I caught my boyfriend cheating on me. And I broke up with him." The boy looks at me with wide eyes.  "Damn, that must've been hard. I'm sorry."   I shake my head at his words. "No, don't be sorry.  I don't love him. Truthfully I don't think I ever did. I just had a strong liking for him and we just lusted after each other. It's just he was my first everything which makes me feel gross that he cheated so easily. I stayed faithful even though men throw themselves at me every day." I confess with a sad look.  "That's dumb of him. He really lost a gem." The kind boy pulled me into a gentle hug. "By the way, you're better than whoever he cheated on you with. Don't forget that."  Pulling out of the hug, I go on my tiptoes to reach his face. Giving him a quick peck on the cheek I softly say, "Thank you Taehyungie." And left him there with blushing cheeks and a dumbfound expression on his face.

____________________Earlier on~________________________

    "Hey baby." I greet my boyfriend, flashing a fake smile. He replies with a quick peck on my lips.  "You look so classy today." Mingi compliments, spinning me around to look at my outfit. "Thanks."  Today I wore a long sleeved, black turtle neck. I wore a mini, plaid skirt with tights underneath. 

                                                            ^Jimin's outfit

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                                                            ^Jimin's outfit

     Today I decided to find out what is happening once and for all. With that decision, I'm deciding to act extra nice today. That might make him suspicious at my sudden behavior change but I can just make an excuse.  "Honey, are you excited for my birthday party? It's gonna be so grand and fun." I ask my boyfriend, strapping in my seat belt.  "Of course, I'm excited. I especially can't wait to give you my special gift." He says the last part seductively, making me almost die from cringe.   "Ooh I can't wait for that." My tone matching his seductiveness and lust. I should win an Oscar for my acting because he was satisfied with my response.

    Mingi told me he is going to his locker and I wanted to come with him yet he said not to. Now I'm extra suspicious. He never says that I can't go with him to his locker, like what's so special about going to your locker? I don't get why he's being so secretive. Putting my own stuff away in my locker, I quickly shut it making my way to where he supposedly is. On my way there, I see Hongjoong whispering something in Mingi's ear and he smirks mouthing an ok. What the hell are they up to?  Without hesitation I follow them, making sure I'm not super noticeable. They walk down a hallway that's the opposite from where my locker is. Why are they going all the way down here? That's hella sus.  I watch them walk into a more secluded part of the hallway. Following slowly, I hear their voices which make me pause my movement.  "Don't you feel bad for doing this? Messing with your boyfriend's, who happens to be the it boy of the school, enemy." Hongjoong's tone was taunting and conniving, which made me seethe in anger.  "He doesn't know so I don't feel bad at all. As long as he doesn't know than it's fine, it just means I get double the benefits." My boyfriend answers nonchalantly. Hearing this conversation honestly makes me sick to the stomach. Suddenly I hear the sounds of them making out and Hongjoong's whimpers. Now I really am nauseous. Tears form in my eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. So that fucker really has been cheating on me with that whore. Wow, what a low fucking blow. Storming away and down the hall, I pull out my phone typing.  

Hey baby, I love how you thought that you're slick. You really thought that I wouldn't find out about you and Hongjoong? Funny fucking joke, doesn't matter now cause I break up with your sorry ass. Now delete my number from your phone after reading this, thanks.😘

___________Present time_____________

        "He really said that?" The youngest boy asks in disbelief. I nod and his eyes go wide.  "I should really beat his ass for that. Cheating on my best friend for a downgrade."  Laughing at Jungkook's words, I instantly felt better.  "Right? He really thought he was doing something when he really just down graded." Jin added, chuckling at his own statement.  This is why I love these bitches. They always bring me up when I'm down, which I'm truly grateful for.


                                      Liked by Tannies_Father and 832 others

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                                      Liked by Tannies_Father and 832 others

_That_Bitch_Min_    Bad bitches only💅💋

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A.N~ Yay another chapter and another coming soon. Also, no hate towards Hongjoong I love him so much. He's not a downgrade it's just for the story. Hope you love this update though. xoxo

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