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(Taehyung's POV)

      Boyfriend... he's really all mine. Mindlessly I continue to scroll through the countless pictures I have of him in my gallery. Some are of both of us together, most are selfies he took himself, and many others are pictures that I took in which he gladly posed for.  "Taehyung-ah!" My mother calls from downstairs. I could hear the delight in her tone. Yesterday she was able to come home. And when I tell you she was exuberant, the smile she wore was the brightest I've seen in years. Her whole aura was different, it's as if her spirit was cleansed from all the negativity and hurt that she's faced and now she's herself again. Not even having to descend all the way downstairs to smell the heavenly aroma of doenjang jjigae, I gleam at how lively my mother was while setting up the table.  "Thank you so much, mom. You should of told me that you were cooking so I could have helped out." I tell her. Look at her already working so hard. I wanted her to rest and take a break since all she ever did was break her back trying to fulfill all of her responsibilities.  "Nonsense, am I not allowed to cook for my wonderfully, amazing son." She teases with a warm smile. That smile, so genuine and full of pure love. It's been so long that I have seen her so happy with just... life. A concept that almost puts me in tears because she's gone through too much, we've gone through too much.  "I love you mom." My waterline begins to sting and my vision goes blurry. There's a strange pressure in my gut, that odd mix of emotions and it's making me overwhelmed.   "Oh baby, don't cry." She hurries to pull me in her embrace,  "I love you too, cub." This felt great, a moment to breath without the deadly weight of my father crushing us down. We can express ourselves freely without his looming toxicity and suffocating energy.  

      "Tell me what's been going on with your life, I haven't gotten to truly talk to you about you in a while. So what's new?"  The only impactful new thing in my life is Jimin, however it kind of felt awkward talking about him to her.  "Well, there's a boy named Jimin who I've had a crush on since forever, but a few months ago we really started to get to know each other. He's honestly the most gorgeous human I've seen on planet earth. I love everything about him, even his flawed traits to me it just makes him more endearing. He's a cheerleader and so many people want him, but it feels good to say that he's my boyfriend." On my face lay a dumbfound smile as I rambled about my love for the boy. Completely occupied by my own thoughts, I didn't notice the fond expression on my mother's face. My mother already knew I was gay. Once I came out in middle school to her, she's kept the secret safe from my father ever since. When I told her nothing but love came from her lips, I'm sure she didn't even flinch at the profound confession. And I would always inform her of a crush or anyone that I thought was cute. I think I've even told her about my crush on Jimin that bloomed during freshman year.  "Awe, look at you. My handsome man finally got himself a boyfriend." She teases, pinching my cheeks.  "Finally?" I question, mildly offended making her chuckle.  "I'm teasing." She leans closer to brush away a loose strand of hair from my face.  "When do I get to meet the 'most gorgeous human being on planet earth' than?" She asks, quoting my earlier statement. Instantly my blood ran cold at the thought.   "Meet him? Like, here?" I ask reluctantly.  "I was thinking in general, but inviting him here is even better." For multiple reasons I have avoided bringing Jimin anywhere near this neighborhood. To me, it makes me extremely self conscious about where I live compared to his grand home. Although, I know in my heart that there would be no judgement from him. The shame and embarrassment is all in my head. Speaking of the devil. At that very moment, my ring tone blares from where my phone sat in my pocket.  "Hello?"  ,    "Tae, are you at work?" He asks, voice hoarse like he's been crying.  "No, I'm at home why?"  He lets out a sigh of relief.  "I feel so lonely right now and my parents are pissing me off. So I was wondering if I could like come to your house or something? It feels so suffocating in here." I could here the desperation in his tone. Never has he asked to come over to my house. Could I say no to him? Not a chance, he'll raise hell for sure. Plus, he needs me right now. We just started officially dating too, so why put a stint in our relationship already?   "Um, yeah. I'll text you my address ok." I agree after some thinking over.  "Thank you my sexy, intelligent, loving hubby. I love you." I hear him beam through the phone. That cheeky boy knows how to always get his way somehow and I fall for it every. single. time.   "I love you too, Min."  After the call ends I face my mom who already had her eyes on me, a smirk gracing her lips.   "Was that your boyfriend?"  I nod, with a bashful grin.  "He's not doing ok at home right now, so he's coming over. I'm just nervous because he's never been over here before."  She chuckles at my worries, reaching out to hold my hand.  "Don't be nervous, he won't judge. I'm sure of it. He just wants to see you, right. That's why he called." Everything she was saying made sense, I don't know why my brain couldn't accept that this is ok.  "You're right."

        I stood outside of my house so Jimin knew exactly where my place was. Every nerve in my body tightened at the sight of his car pulling up in my driveway. The door opened and immediately I loosened up at the magnificent smile, illuminating his face once we locked eyes.  "Tae-Tae!" He semi yells, arms wide open as usual. I can never get used to his dramatic greetings, but it makes me feel special so I wouldn't have him change it for the world. My mother joins me on the porch after hearing the boy's loud voice.  "Hey baby." I greet back, engulfing him in my arms. Feeling his body on me always sends waves of security and relief through me. Even smelling his sweet scent brings me comfort, that fights off any anxiety or negative energy that I'm feeling.  "You weren't lying Taehyung-ah he's stunning." My mother speaks causing Jimin to pull back and gaze at the woman.   "Thank you, Mrs. Kim. You're also beautiful, I can see where Tae has got his looks from. " He speaks with such an alluring confidence, no traces of awkwardness in his tone. That's one thing I love about him.  "Oh, don't flatter me boy." My mother scolds with rosy cheeks.  "Come in, you can join our dinner. I made enough for you to have some if you would like. It's doenjang jjigae, I'm sure it's still hot." Her lively aura compels Jimin to nod along with jubilance, following her into the house. I can already see how well they'll get on, they both have similar energies. 

      The rest of dinner mainly consisted of the two chatting it up about anything and everything. It almost made me feel like a third wheel, almost. For the most part I allowed myself to admire their instant connection, it was so wholesome how similar they are.   "Ok mom, may I steal him away for the night." Once they started talking about me, I decided that was enough.  "Fine, fine he's all yours." She giggles, eyes crinkling with joy.  "Are you jealous Taehyung-ah?" Jimin asks, squinting his eyes at me with a playful smirk.  "Oh my gosh, no. Let's go Jimin." I grab him by the waist from the back and haul him up the stairs to my bedroom.  "Hey, please keep it pg-13 up there!" She yells after we make it to the top floor.  "Yes ma'am!" I yell back.    "I love your mom." Jimin informs me, already making himself comfortable on my bed.  "I could tell." I mumble. The boy scoots closer to where I sat, laying his head in my lap.  "Awe, don't be sad Tae I love you more I promise." He coos, halfway teasing and halfway serious.  "You better." I play growl,  "But seriously, I am happy that you both get along so well. It takes away any tension and awkwardness." I tell him and he agrees.  "How are you both coping though?" Jimin asks sincerely.   "Surprisingly she's been very energetic and enthusiastic. Which has me concerned but relieved at the same time. Because I don't know if how she's truly feeling inside."  I know my mother and I know that she isn't the one to reveal outwardly her true emotions. Though she feels genuine when she's all outgoing and buoyant.  "That makes sense. You do that too, keep your true emotions to yourself. I wish you would stop doing that." Jimin tells me honestly.  "I know, I'm working on it. But right now I'm coping well I guess. You help me allot and having my mom be pretty much back to normal comforts me enough. Thank you for being such a positive light in my life, that sounds cringe as hell but it's true." I press a kiss on his cheek.   "You're welcome hubby." He replies with a giggle.  "Are you manifesting a proposal?" I ask jokingly.  "Maybe." He answers with a side eyed expression.  "Alright I'll keep that in mind." 

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