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(Jimin's POV)

       "Ya'll hype me up, I'm gonna ask Tae to be my boyfriend." I reveal anxiously to my best friends who were at Jin's locker.  "I thought you never ask someone, I thought you only let them come to you." Jin rolls his eyes, thinking about the countless times I've said that.  "Yes but he's taking too damn long to make a move and I'm desperate now."  Both Jin and Jungkook glance at each other with wide eyes.   "You? Desperate? I never thought I would hear this from your mouth. Wow you are like... whipped, whipped for this man." Jungkook speaks after a moment of silence.  "I'll admit that yes, I, Park Jimin, am very much enthralled, captivated, bewitched if you will, by Kim Taehyung. And I want to keep him and his big dick all for myself." I announce loud enough that the students surrounding us heard.  "Oh, shit. Not bestie fell for his dick too." Jungkook teased, making all three of us burst out in a fit of giggles.  "On a serious note, Jimin I was worried at first. You just got cheated on and already you were jumping down some nerds pants. However, I can tell he hasn't hurt you like Mingi or even Jongin has so I say go for it. As far as I can tell he's just as equally whipped for you." Jin tells me with a soft look.  "I mean, the last time we thought he hurt you, it turned out that you were making assumptions and being jealous, but you didn't hear that from me." Jungkook adds, giving me a knowing look.   "Shut the fuck up." I suck my teeth, playfully punching the boy. Automatically, shame built in my gut. I still feel truly bad for being a jealous bitch, especially now that I know what Taehyung was and is going through.  "I still feel guilt though, but it's ok because we moved passed it. Now all I have to do is make a move. I was gonna ask him on his birthday, but I'd rather have a surprise party for him."  They both nod in agreement with my plan.  "Well don't be nervous. You already have him wrapped around your tiny ass finger, there's nothing to stress about." Jin tells me with a confident look.  "He's at his locker now, so go over there like the bad bitch you are and ask him." Jungkook informs me, pushing me in Taehyung's direction.  This whole morning at home, I was preparing myself. Mi-sun and I both spent time boosting me up and thinking over how our conversation would go. However, the closer I got to him the more my confidence dwindled. And when his sharp eyes raked over me, all that I was going to say was drained out of my memory.  "Hey baby." He greeted happily, eyes turning warm once he fully noticed me.  "Hey... I - um, actually never mind." Internally I was short circuiting. Taehyung gave me a weird look, making me more embarrassed. Shit. What the fuck is up with me? I don't remember the last time I was this fucking nervous. Everything that Mi-sun and I practiced earlier was thrown out the window, my brain was muddled. It can't be because of Taehyung, I know he'll say yes. I feel like it's the fact that I am the one who's asking. So it ends up feeling a bit humiliating and awkward to me. It puts me in such a vulnerable position, which is something I'm not used to.  "Now I'm curious, please tell me what you were gonna say." The taller pleads, giving me puppy eyes. Furiously, I shake my head no.  "I-I can't." Fuck, I just know my face is probably beet red right now.  "Oh, come on Jimin please." He begs. "No." I snap lightly, not to where it came off as aggressive.  "If you tell me I'll eat you out until you cum twice." He suggests, features growing smug knowing that will automatically pique my interest.  "Make it three and I'll tell you." I smirk, satisfied with his frowning face.  "Jimin, no negotiations just tell me."  Laughing I ask,  "So you're saying you can't make me cum three times? Is two the limit Taehyungie?" My last words mocking.  "You have no clue how badly I wanna fuck you up right now." He huffs, playing along.  "Mmh, really? Tell me more." I coax him my voice dropping seductively.  "Jimin, I can't stand you."  I gasp, "You don't mean that."  He shakes his head, "Of course not, but stop changing the subject."   Sighing heavily, I face him locking our eyes.  "I promise I'll tell you ok, but later. It's difficult for me to say this to you right now because suddenly I'm anxious as fuck so you have to deal with it." I ramble fervently, avoiding eye contact halfway through my words.  He takes my pinky in his and locks it, "You better keep this promise or we both are gonna have to kick each others' asses."  A smirk blooms on my face,  "Deal." 

        Over the course of the school day, my mind has been zig-zagging back and forth about the promise. At the end of the day it's really not a big deal, but my dramatic ass is blowing this out of proportion. I always make things harder than they have to be and I don't know why. It's in my nature I guess. So when dismissal comes and I see Taehyung at his locker, butterflies swarm in my stomach.  "I already know what you're gonna say. I'll tell you when we're in my car." I say and his mouth closes.                                                                                                                                                                          "So..." I hesitate, wondering whether I should just get straight to the point.  "Get on with it Min, I've been waiting ever so patiently." Taehyung whines, brows furrowed cutely. Letting out one last huff, I gather all of my loins and blurt. "All I wanted to ask was do you want to be my boyfriend? I couldn't tell you why that was so hard for me."  It takes a moment for him to fully digest the situation. At first he looked confused, than ecstatic, and finally frustrated.  "Jimin. You had me wait all day for you to ask me that? Literally there was no reason for you to be nervous. I should be the nervous one, thee Park Jimin is asking me out." He rants, though I could tell he was relieved.  "Listen, I know all that. But when it came to it my brain seized up and I forgot everything." I grab his hands and kiss each one, "M' sorry that I made you wait. When I saw you this morning it became too real. And like, you really make me nervous and I feel all gooey around you which is lowkey embarrassing as fuck to admit. So with these foreign feelings, it kinda made me panic." I confess.  One of his hands grab my jaw, yanking me closer.  "Of course I'll be your boyfriend, we're already husbands remember." He mumbles against my lips. A warm sensation of delight trickles throughout my body, filling me with satisfaction.  "So, are you still up for eating me out? Maybe you can make me cum three times too." I chuckle cheekily as the taller glares at me.  

A.N~ Don't kill me, but there are two chapters left.

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