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(Jimin's POV)

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(Jimin's POV)

      "Hey handsome." I greet him without glancing next to me. Taehyung opens his locker, pulling everything out. "Hey Jimin-ah."  Applying one final layer of gloss I turn to the boy. "Wanna hang out? I don't have cheer practice." His face swam in hesitation,  "I don't know, I-"  "Pleeease." I whine, giving him that look, the one that gets me what I want.  "Fine, but not for too long cause I have important things to do."  Smirking, I wrap my arms around his neck gazing up into his eyes.  "More important than me?"  The boy scoffs playfully, a bashful smile blooming on his face.   "Why must you always woo me Park?"  I shrug, "I guess I'm just irresistible." 

      "I'm home!" I yell out once Taehyung and I entered through the doors. Mi-sun came from around the corner wearing a bright smile.  "Ah yes, I'm glad you're home and back safely too." She said pulling me into a hug.  "Who is this handsome, young man?" Her eyes landed on the taller.  "Oh, this is my friend Taehyung. Taehyung meet my nanny Mi-sun."  Taehyung bowed before speaking,  "So nice to meet you Mi-sun noona." He flashed her a charming smile.  "Wahh, there is something different about this one. Jiminie, why weren't you dating him instead of that jerk Mingi?" The nanny exclaims, hugging Taehyung. He only chuckled, seemingly unbothered by her behavior. I, on the other hand have never felt so embarrassed.  "Ok ok, that's enough, come on Tae. love you noona, I'll let you know if we need anything." Taking the other boy's hand, I pull him away from the elder woman. 

     "I'm so sorry, she can be a bit much sometimes." I hastily explain as soon as we entered my bedroom. Taehyung shook his head looking rather amused.  "It's all good, it was just funny. I think she's great though, she seems to really care about you."  I nod, biting my lip.  "Yeah she's honestly like a mother to me. She's always been there." Mi-sun truly is someone that I have great love for. I always feel like she's the only one that will always be there for me besides Jungkook and Jin.  "I can tell, at first I thought she was but you looking nothing like her and she looks too young."  Jimin cracks a smile at his words.  "I actually get that allot. She's been my nanny since I was 6 years old, and she's 35 now so about 12 years."   "That's interesting. Where are your parents though, I've never seen them around here."   I look down, the mention of my parents souring my mood.  "Um, they're on a business trip in Japan. They usually aren't here because of work so... yeah." I explain awkwardly. It really sucks that they are never here, but I don't really like to dwell on their absence. Instead I'd rather distract myself with relationships and stupid drama and cheerleading.   "Oh, um sorry if that was too personal of a question or something. I didn't want to dampen the mood." Taehyung apologized, feeling bad.  "No, it's cool. I'm used to it." We both were silent, tension thick in the air.  "You both are too quite in here, is everything ok? You aren't doing anything rated-r in there right?" Mi-sun's voice rang out from the other side of my bedroom door. That definitely took us out of that heavily awkward atmosphere and we both burst out in laughter.  "Nooo, trust me we aren't doing anything like that in here. At least not when you're home." I tell her, stifling my laughter.  "You better not be. I don't need a repeat of what happened last time." She warns before walking away from the door.  "Repeat?" Taehyung asks, brows crunched in confusion.  "Oh my gosh, there was this time... I think it was in 11th grade where I had my ex over. We were about to fuck and right before he put his dick in, Mi-sun walked in. I've never been more ready to die on the spot than on that day. Like I don't think you understand how fucking embarrassing that was." I told him, recalling the humiliating memory.  "Wow. I wouldn't know what to do with myself." He said, laughing hard at how ridiculous the situation was.  "Taehyung, I swear she never lets me hear the end of it. Anytime I'm with someone she gives me the side eyes. I could be with Jungkook and she'll say some slick comment and I'm just like don't even start."    "Well, have you done anything with Jin or Jungkook?" Taehyung asks, genuinely curious.  "I mean, nothing too crazy. We've given each other lap dances and shit like that. Well, Jungkook and I did make out that one time., but like nothing serious though. We have always been affectionate, maybe a lil' extra when we're drunk." I answer. Memories of wild parties and the three of us acting out flashed through my mind.  "What about you though? Any embarrassing stories like that. I'm sure that one friend of yours has done something to humiliate you."   "Oh my gosh, you and Namjoon have to make a truce at some point. But there are a few stories." Taehyung says looking up in thought.   "Back in 8th grade Hoseok and I both had a crush on Yoongi."  My eyes widened in surprise.   "Shocking right? Well, at the time I didn't know we both had the same crush. And I remember telling Namjoon because I needed advice. Apparently earlier that day, Hoseok also told Namjoon which didn't end up well for us. Hoseok and I ended up lowkey trying to compete with each other for Yoongi's attention. The problem was Namjoon became sick of our pettiness and told poor, confused Yoongi that we both had a crush on him. That's when we both figured out that Yoongi doesn't even like boys which ended the mini fued right there. So there's that. It happened so many years ago it's a comedy now." I look at him in awe, "I really would've never guessed that you had a crush on Yoongi. And what's funny as hell is that I also used to have a crush on him in middle school." I confess, thinking back to when I would drool over the quiet kid.  "Guess we both have good taste then." Taehyung says staring at me.  "Yeah." I smile softly.

A.N~ Hey..... so....... I finally updated this story. Ya'll I'm so sorry it took so long. I have motivation for this story now so it'll most likely be updated more often. 

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