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"Come on, Miguel! Time to haul ass!" Julianna screamed, standing on the back of his wheelchair as Johnny sat in it, riding along side Miguel as he tried to do the obstacles Julianna set up for him with his crutches. "Yeah, Come on! Move those gimp legs!" Johnny yelled just as Miguel was going over the last hurdle before falling face first.


Miguel did sit ups while holding a keg and Johnny quickly filled his solo cup as Miguel was going up, splashing beer on him in the process. "You're doing great bud." Johnny said, slapping the keg, making Miguel fall down faster.

Julianna turned to her dad with a smile. "Can I have a sip?" Johnny looked down at the cup then back at Julianna and nodded. "Yeah sure." Julianna's eyes grew big. "Wait, really?"



"Let's go, Diaz. Move it!" Johnny cheered as Miguel walked up the little cement steps and started going across the wooden beam.

"Look at that, I'm getting the hang of it." Miguel said a little too cocky for Johnny and Julianna's liking. Julianna smirked, raising her brows. "Really?"

Before Miguel could even answer, Julianna pulled a nerf gun out from behind her back and started shooting Miguel as Johnny threw a yoga ball at him, making him fall.


Julianna sat criss cross on her coffee table as Miguel had his feet under it, pushing it up and down. "Come on! Feel the burn!" Julianna unenthusiastically said as she scrolled through instagram.

Johnny put his feet up on the table beside Julianna, causing more weight to go against Miguel and his legs fell. Julianna whipped her head to her dad. "Your fat legs ruined it."

Johnny turned to Julianna in shock, pointing a finger at her. "Hey! Don't call my legs fat!"


Miguel tried again on the wooden beams. He caught the ball Johnny threw at him and dodged all of Julianna's bullets and when he got to the other side, Miguel ran to Julianna's arms for a hug. "Hell yeah!" Julianna cheered as Miguel spun her around.

After they threw away Miguel's crutches and wheelchair, they sat in the house, thinking of names for a new dojo.

"What about Johnny Lawrence Karate?" Miguel asked from the fridge to get two waters. "Or Strike Hard Karate?" Julianna asked as Miguel threw one of the bottles to her.

Miguel sat down beside Julianna and sighed. "Come on, Sensei. We're trying to help think of names for our new dojo." "How long does it take for Facebook messages to get delivered?" Johnny asked, ignoring Miguel's words and after neither of the teens answered, he spoke again. "Ali lives in Colorado so probably a while, right?"

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