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"Please welcome our guest for the weekend, Sensei Barnes."
Jules looked up at the man standing on the sparring deck with her dad and Daniel. She had never met him before, but her dad had told her all about how the man hijacked their party bus and took them to Silver's house.
Lexi seemed to recognize the man too and leaned toward Jules, keeping her eyes on him. "Isn't that the guy that was at the Silver house fight?" She whispered.
Jules and Lexi jumped apart at his yell, their backs straightening up.
"In order to keep things unbiased, we brought in Sensei Barnes to observe then select our top eight." Daniel explained. Jules' eyes widened slightly. She had been sure she would go to the Sekai Takai beforehand, but with Barnes being the one to decide now, one wrong move could cost her that spot.
"During my years as the Tournament Terror, all I wanted was to be in the Sekai Takai. But I blew my chance. I am here to ensure that maximize yours." Barnes explained, starting to walk down the rows of students.
"Everyone I know who has participated in this has horror stories. This thing is intense. Unpredictable. People have died. Move!" Barnes yelled, getting right in Joey's face when he noticed he was a step out of line. Joey's eyes practically popped out of his head as he quickly moved to stand directly behind Jules.
"Who's ready for that?" The man asked, and Demetri's eyebrows furrowed. He looked to Joey beside him and leaned towards him nervously. "Wait, ready for the tournament or to die?" He whispered. Lexi, who was standing in front of him, clenched her jaw.
Lexi subtly threw her foot back and sent a warning kick to Demetri's leg, silently telling him to be quiet without Barnes noticing.
"I will do to you what the Sekai Takai will do. I will surprise you with events, I will push you to your limits. And if any of you delicate flowers feel like going to your senseis and crying, don't. I've been given full authority for these eliminations." Barnes said. Jules' eyes wandered to her dad on the sparring deck. As soon as they locked eyes, Johnny smirked, shaking his head, making Jules hold back a smile.
"Selections. Let's keep this positive." Daniel interrupted. Slowly, Barnes turned around, and Jules smirked. She subtly leaned towards Eli, who was standing next to her. "Oh... LaRusso's in trouble..." Jules sang, and Eli quickly looked down to hide his smile.
"You came to me. The deal was my way or the highway." Barnes told Daniel, and Daniel immediately backed off, nodding his head understandingly. Barnes turned back to the students, his face stone cold.
"Get on the sparring deck! Now!" He screamed. As all the students rushed to the sparring deck, Lexi looked at Demetri with a small smile, while Demetri had a nervous look. "This dude's freaky..." She muttered through a laugh, only making Demetri more nervous.