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It was Demetri and Eli's first day at Cobra Kai and Julianna was trying everything she could to prepare them for her father.
"I just wanted to warn you guys." Julianna breathed out, almost as if she was scared. "Of?" Demetri asked, moving his hands around to tell her to continue.
"Of my dad." Jules said, picking the nail polish off of her thumb anxiously. Demetri and Eli looked at each other before turning to Julianna in confusion, silently telling her to keep going.
Jules groaned, dropping her hands. "Look, you haven't met him before. He's a little insensitive-" "A little?" Lexi interrupted. Julianna turned to Lexi, giving her a glare before turning back to the boys.
"It's just... he doesn't have a filter. He'll say anything, not really realizing it's hurting people's feelings... Or he just doesn't care. Look, he just might make fun of you guys for looking nerdy." Julianna said, not really meeting either of the boys eyes.
"Did you just say we look nerdy?" Demetri asked as if it was the worst insult he's ever heard. "Are you saying you two don't? I mean, 'Metri you're wearing a goddamn pi shirt." Lexi laughed out, a smirk taking over her entire face. Demetri looked down at his shirt before wrapping his flannel around himself, coving the image.
"We can take it, Jules. You don't have to worry." Eli spoke, making Julianna finally meet their eyes. "He might make fun of your li-" "Quiet!" Johnny screamed, shutting up every person in the dojo.
"Face front." He demanded. The four friends faced Johnny, Julianna in between Eli and Lexi, Demetri on the other side of Lexi, watching closely as Johnny walked through the crowd of new students.
When Johnny got up to Demetri he pointed at his shirt. "Nice shirt." Demetri smiled, giving Lexi a proud smile before turning back to Johnny. "Thanks."
"I'm joking. It sucks." Lexi snickered a laugh, Johnny high-fiving her as he passed before making fun of more students.
"When I look around this dojo, I don't see Cobra Kai material. I see losers. I see nerds. I see a fat kid with a hat with his tits popping out. But, in my short time as a sensei, I've also seen some miracles. So maybe there's some hope for you. But first, I need to see where you're at. So everybody fall in!"
Lexi, Julianna, Aisha and Miguel all started to 'fall in' while everyone else stood around in confusion.
"That means line up!" Johnny screamed and the kids nodded their heads, standing behind the four students that have already been in Cobra Kai. "No, not... not line up in a line. Lines! Get in lines."