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If you asked anyone in Miyagi-Do how their team was doing fighting for a spot in the tournament of champions, all of them would probably tell you they were doing fucking horrible.
Johnny and Daniel would constantly argue from the sidelines about which methods to use: Miyagi-Do or Eagle Fang and Jules was getting sick of it.
This current round consisted of two challenges: fighting with a bo staff, and the first to land a point.
Knowing her team, Jules knew Eagle Fang methods were the best way to win this round, but every time a Miyagi-Do fighter went up to compete, Johnny and Daniel yelled over each other, not only distracting them from their fight but if they decided to listen to Daniel, which was everyone except Jules, Miguel, and Lexi, they lost.
Miyagi-Do ended up in the bottom rankings and they were sent back to the hotel to get some rest before the next round.
"Everyone, listen up." Johnny called out as they all walked into the lobby. Lexi groaned, her whole body sore as she undid her hair from the ponytail it was in. Demetri looked down at Lexi and let out a small giggle, playfully ruffling her hair.
Lexi looked up at Demetri and laughed, grabbing his hand out of her hair and holding it instead as she turned to her senseis.
"All right, this morning's event was tough, but let's not get discouraged just yet. We have two more events today. And eliminations don't begin till the second one." Daniel explained and Demetri finally looked away from Lexi, his eyes wide.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. If that wasn't the elimination round, what is? Getting our heads cut off with swords?" Demetri asked and Jules sighed. She brought her hand up to rub the tiredness out of her eyes and sighed.
"At this rate, my bets getting pushed off a cliff." She muttered.
Johnny gave his daughter a look while Daniel sighed. "We knew this wasn't gonna be easy. We're going up against the best dojos in the world, but don't forget you guys are one of them too." Daniel said, pointing between the eight students.
"Yeah, so you better start fighting like it." Johnny snapped and normally, Jules would've laughed the the look Daniel would give her dad, but right now, she was too annoyed with them always bickering. She didn't get to witness her parents ever together but Daniel and Johnny's constant bickering reminded Jules of parents arguing.
Daniel turned back to the students, ignoring Johnny's comment. "The best thing you can do right now is just clear your minds, get some rest, put this behind you. You got this, all right ? I believe in you."
The students took that as the okay to leave. The girls decided to head back to their rooms while the boys wanted to go get food.
Jules leaned against the wall of the elevator with Sam, Lexi, and Devon. Her head looked up at the blue-dimmed lights hanging over the four of them when Devon groaned.