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"Julianna Lawrence." Julianna answered as the man checked his clipboard before looking back at her. "Got any type of identification?" Julianna pulled out her wallet from her purse and showed the man her school ID. He nodded, pressing a button under his desk and the door buzzed, indicating it was unlocked.
Julianna walked into the juvie meeting room, looking at all the full grey-blue tables before taking an empty one in the corner.
She heard the buzzer of a door being unlocked and shot her head up, watching as Robby walked in. He gave her a small tight lipped smile as he sat down in the seat across from her.
"Hi." Julianna mumbled out, a smile on her face. Robby lifted his head ever so slightly to send her a smile back, trying not to show her his black eye but she could see the ends of the bruise around his eye, making her grab his wrist and yank his arm down and she gaped at the sight.
"What the hell happened to you?" Julianna scolded and Robby rolled his eyes, placing his interlocked hands on the table as if he were in school and leaned forward slightly. "Just some guys. It's fine."
"Is one of them in here?" Julianna asked and Robbys eyes went wide as he shook his head. Julianna rolled her eyes. "Jesus, I'm not gonna walk up to one of them. I'm not that crazy. I just wanna know who." Robby shifted in his seat, looking around the room before shaking his head. "None of them are in here."
Julianna nodded, knowing he was telling the truth. "I saw you on TV." Robby said, a small laugh escaping his lips as he looked down at his hands. Julianna gave him a weird look and he pointed to the TV behind her, showing the news. "We have a TV in our lunch room. I could hear your yappy voice over the annoying news reporters nasally one." Julianna let out a playful gasp, smacking his arm. "My voice is not yappy!" Robby laughed. "Yes it is!"
As their laughter died down, Robby smiled to his sister. "I love you, you dork." He said and Julianna laughed, her head dropping for a second before she looked back up to Robby. "I love you too, dweeb."
Julianna walked out of the juvie and walked up to Lexi's car that had pulled up right when Julianna walked out, she quickly hopped into the passenger seat since Joey had now claimed the backseat for him to lie down on as if Lexi was his personal chauffeur. "There she is! Wow, Jules. Dropping you off at Rehab, picking you up at juvie. This isn't a good look for you." Joey said as soon as Julianna was comfortable in her seat and she quickly threw her purse into the back, hitting Joey in the face.
"We were gonna stop to get some food. Want to come with us before we drop you off?" Lexi asked and Julianna nodded. Lexi quickly drove to the In'n'Out and not in the mood for a burger, Julianna got was a thing of fries and she was dropped off.
Julianna walked into her house, setting her purse on the table before falling onto the couch, her little basket of fries sitting on her stomach as she stared up at the ceiling. Julianna lifted her head at the sound of the doorbell ringing. She tried to move her head to look out the window from her spot but she couldn't see who was at the door. She slowly started to put her head back down, hoping that if she was quiet enough, the person would leave but they rang the doorbell again.
Julianna groaned, taking the basket of fries off her stomach and trudging to the door. Just as she was about to open it, she stopped. She quickly went on her tippy toes and looked through the peephole and saw Hawk, with his hair down, standing in front of her door, looking down at his shoes with one backpack strap over his shoulder.
She hesitantly opened the door and eyeballed him. "Um... whatcha doing here?" Hawk shifted his weight back and forth between his feet as he looked up at Julianna. He stopped moving his feet, putting on a calmed face and shrugged. "Figured we could work on the project."
Julianna sighed, letting him into the house. Hawk took a few steps into the house and smiled as he looked around. "Wow. Haven't been here in a while. Oh! French fries!" He quickly made his way over to the bucket of fries and started plopping them into his mouth.
Julianna looked at him as if he was crazy before shaking her head. "Can you maybe not eat the fries I just got?" Hawk looked down at the food with wide eyes before looking back at Julianna. "Sorry." He says with his mouth full and placed the fries back on the coffee table. Julianna shook her head, feeling a smile grow on her face. "It's fine just take a seat-" She stops herself when she sees the mess her dad had made around the house that night. "Nevermind. We can just work in my room." Julianna grabbed her backpack that was slouched against the island and her bucket of fries, making way to her room, Hawk right behind her.
Julianna hopped onto her bed by the head board, sitting in a cross cross position as Hawk slowly walked in. "I haven't been in here in a while." Hawk breathed out and Julianna immediately felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment, remembering the last time he was in there.
Hawk seemed to notice the tension that rose in the room, he mumbled a tiny apology before sitting at the foot of the bed across from Julianna. "So, since we don't have the supplies and the chemicals we need to make the Elephant toothpaste, he could just talk about what we have planned." Hawk said to get rid of the tension.
Julianna's brows furrowed as she dug into her backpack, pulling out her chemistry notebook. "What do we need to plan?" Hawk looked down for a second, trying to think before lifting his head. "Where would we do it?"
Julianna choked on her french fry, taking the question the wrong way and Hawk quickly caught on, his face going red as looked down at his hands. He cleared his throat. "I meant, where would we do our science project?" Julianna nodded, scrunching her nose in embarrassment before nodding her head. "There's a lot of space near where my dad parks. We could do it there... The project!" Hawk chuckled, nodding his head. "Okay."
It was quiet as Julianna readjusted herself in her seat. Hawk looked around the room awkwardly before running his hands over his pants. "So... since I don't have the chemicals, we're done for today?" Hawk asked, running a hand through his hair and Julianna nodded, looking up at Hawk. "Yeah. Okay. Well, I'm free for the next few hours. We could watch a movie? You can even choose the movie."
Julianna smiled, looking down at her nails she was picking at before nodding. "Okay. Yeah." Hawk smiled, moving across the bed to sit next to her. Julianna felt her stomach flutter from being close to him again as she opened up her computer to look for a movie.
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-This was a cute little filler! ☺️ We got to see some Robby and Jules moments I feel like I always have to make it clear whenever Hawk has his hair up or down bc that changes yalls opinions REAL quick🤚